
Uses of Class

Packages that use SceneGraphObject
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume Volume rendering extensions to the Aviatrix3D scene graph. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.loader Implementations of file loaders that produce an Aviatrix3D scene graph. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.util General utility classes for use with the core API. 

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Subclasses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.aviatrix3d
 class AccumulationBufferState
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the accumulation buffer.
 class AlphaAttributes
          Describes attributes used for controlling alpha test state during any drawing operations.
 class AmbientLight
          Representation of a purely ambient light source with no other abilities.
 class Appearance
          Describes the appearance of an object.
 class AppearanceOverride
          An appearance that can be placed higher in the tree other than the Appearance node and overrides the appearance of all objects lower in the tree.
 class AudioComponent
          Common representation of a component that contains source data to be used in audio.
 class Background
          Base collection of functionality marking background nodes of various types.
 class BackgroundSound
          A BackgroundSound class whichs emits a sound which doesn't change by distance or orientation.
 class BaseGroup
          Abstracted verson of the Group node designed for extension by 3rd-party node implementors.
 class BaseNode
          A general purpose container class to allow end users to extend the basic Node capabilities, while still providing a way to manage scene graph state such as liveness calls and update handlers.
 class BaseSceneGraphObject
          A general purpose container class to allow end users to extend the basic geometry capabilities, while still providing a way to manage scene graph state such as liveness calls and update handlers.
 class BitmapRaster
          Raster object that represents a single drawn object using individual bits.
 class BlendAttributes
          Describes attributes used for blending any drawing primitives.
 class BoxBackground
          Background node that renders a sky box using any or all of the 6 textures.
 class BufferState
          Representation of scene graph objects that control the drawing buffer state at the root of the scene graph.
 class ByteAudioComponent
          A Audio component that uses raw byte data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteBufferTextureComponent2D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte buffer data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteBufferTextureComponent3D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte buffer data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteRaster
          Raster object that represents a coloured image defined by a raw byte array.
 class ByteTextureComponent1D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteTextureComponent2D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteTextureComponent3D
          A texture component that wraps a 3D image described as a collection of bytes.
 class ClipPlane
          Representation of a single clip plane that can be used to clip a model in addition to the normal view volume clipping.
 class ColorBackground
          Background node that represents a single solid 4-component colour.
 class ColorBufferState
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the colour buffer.
 class CompositeLayer
          A layer that allows the definition of multiple viewports to be rendered.
 class CompositeLayer2D
          A layer that allows the definition of multiple viewports to be rendered, but is restricted to 2D rendering only.
 class CompositeViewport
          An viewport that may, itself contain a large collection of layers.
 class ConeSound
          A ConeSound class which emits a conical sound in one direction.
 class DepthAttributes
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the depth buffer on a per-object level.
 class DepthBufferState
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the depth buffer.
 class DirectionalLight
          Representation of a directional light source.
 class Fog
          Describes a fog rendering effect.
 class FragmentShader
          Node that handles an ARB fragment shader.
 class GeneralBufferState
          Collection of state management options for a render pass for elements that don't directly influence the backing buffer.
 class Geometry
          Geometry is an abstract class that specifies the geometry component information required by a Shape3D node.
 class GL14Shader
          Shader container object for the shaders usable with OpenGL 1.4 with the separate vertex and fragment shader code.
 class GL14ShaderProgram
          Base class representing a single shader program that can be applied to the rendering pipeline.
 class GLSLangShader
          Shader handler for shaders written with the OpenGL GLSLang 1.0 shader language.
 class Group
          The Group node object is a generic container of other nodes in the scene.
 class Group2D
          The Group2D node object is a generic container of other 2D nodes in the & scene.
 class ImageBackground
          Background node for 2D scenes that draws an image on screen as the background.
 class ImageRaster
          Raster object that represents a coloured image taken from a Java AWT Image object.
 class ImageTextureComponent2D
          Wraps a 2D image and turns it into a texture source.
 class ImageTextureComponent3D
          A texture component that wraps a 3D image.
 class IndexedVertexGeometry
          Base class that defines indexed geometry types.
 class Layer
          An abstract layer definition that can be applied at the root of the scene graph.
 class Leaf
          A Leaf class is the base class for all scene graph objects that have no children but provide something that may be renderable in the scene graph.
 class Leaf2D
          A Leaf class is the base class for all 2D scene graph objects that have no children but provide something that may be renderable in the scene graph.
 class Light
          Base representation of a light source that corresponds to the base set of capabilities that all lights in OpenGL have.
 class LineAttributes
          Describes attributes used when rendering a line.
 class Material
          Describes the material properties of an object.
 class MRTOffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer with the ability to have multiple render targets.
 class MRTTexture2D
          A single render target child of a MRTOffscreenTexture2D node.
 class MultipassScene
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that permits multipass rendering to be performed.
 class MultipassTextureComponent
          Deprecated. Use OffscreenTexture2D or MRTOffscreenTexture2D
 class MultipassViewport
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering and is rendered using multipass techniques.
 class MultipassViewportLayer
          An viewport layer that allows multipass rendering to be performed within this layer.
 class Node
          A Node class is the base class for all renderable nodes in the SceneGraph.
 class Node2D
          A specialised version of the Node class that works in 2D screen space only.
 class NodeComponent
          The NodeComponent class is the superclass for all non renderable nodes.
 class ObjectSet
          A general purpose container class to allow end users to extend the basic geometry capabilities, while still providing a way to manage scene graph state such as liveness calls and update handlers.
 class OffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer, using OpenGL frame buffer objects or pbuffers, depending on system capability.
 class PixelTransform
          A grouping node that contains a transform for 2D pixel coordinate space.
 class Pixmap
          A Pixmap wraps 2D screen-aligned pixel blits.
 class PointAttributes
          Describes attributes used when rendering a point.
 class PointLight
          Representation of a point light source.
 class PointSound
          A PointSound class which emits sound in all directions from a point.
 class PolygonAttributes
          Describes attributes used when rendering a polygon.
 class Raster
          Raster is an abstract class that specifies 2D pixel data required by a Pixmap node.
 class RenderPass
          Representation of a single pass in a multipass rendering layer setup.
 class Scene
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that can form a coherent rendering.
 class Scene2D
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that can form a coherent rendering in 2D.
 class Shader
          Base representation of the functionality common across the various shader types that can be applied to geometry.
 class ShaderArguments
          Representation of a set of arguments (uniform variables) that can be passed to a shader program.
 class ShaderObject
          Representation of a single Shader Object code that will form the final shader program.
 class ShaderProgram
          Representation of a complete GLSLang shader program.
 class Shape3D
          A Shape3D class wraps polygonal geometry and appearance information.
 class ShapeBackground
          Background node that renders a list of user-provided Shape3D instances.
 class SharedGroup
          A grouping node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedGroup2D
          A grouping 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode
          A node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode2D
          A 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SimpleLayer
          An layer definition that only allows a single viewport that covers the entire area as it's child.
 class SimpleLayer2D
          An layer definition that only allows a single viewport that covers the entire area as it's child.
 class SimpleScene
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that can form a coherent rendering.
 class SimpleViewport
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering.
 class SimpleViewportLayer
          An viewport layer definition that only allows a single, simple scene to be drawn as it's contents.
 class Sound
          A Sound class represents all sound emiting nodes in the system.
 class SphereBackground
          Background node that renders a single user-provided texture on a sphere.
 class SpotLight
          Representation of a spot light source.
 class StencilAttributes
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the stencil buffer.
 class StencilBufferState
          Describes attributes used when interacting with the stencil buffer.
 class SwitchGroup
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a single child to be rendered.
 class TexCoordGeneration
          Describes a texture's automatic texture coordinate generation properties per axis.
 class Texture
          Describes the basic textured appearance of an object.
 class Texture1D
          Describes the 1D texture properties of an object.
 class Texture2D
          Describes the 2D texture that can be applied to an object.
 class Texture3D
          Describes the 3D (volume) texture properties of an object.
 class TextureAttributes
          Describes how a texture gets applied to the underlying geometry.
 class TextureComponent
          Common representation of a component that contains source data to be used in textures.
 class TextureComponent1D
          A marker interface to ensure a Texture component contains 1D data
 class TextureComponent2D
          A marker interface to ensure a Texture component contains 2D data
 class TextureComponent3D
          A marker interface to ensure a Texture component contains 3D data
 class TextureCubicEnvironmentMap
          A specialist object that renders a cubic environment map from pre-built sources.
 class TextureUnit
          Describes a texture stage and its associated texture and attributes.
 class TransformGroup
          A grouping node that contains a transform.
 class VertexGeometry
          Common representation of all vertex-based geometry.
 class VertexShader
          Node that handles Vertex shader implementation.
 class ViewEnvironment
          Representation of the physical environment setup used to connect a virtual Viewpoint object to the real one that is rendered on a drawable surface.
 class Viewpoint
          A viewpoint into the scene.
 class Viewport
          Abstract representation of a viewport on the drawable surface.
 class Viewport2D
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering and is restricted to 2D rendering only.
 class ViewportLayer
          An abstract layer definition for per-viewport layer rendering.
 class ViewportLayer2D
          An ViewportLayer that supports only 2D-based rendering concepts.

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d declared as SceneGraphObject
protected  SceneGraphObject[] ObjectSet.childList
          The list of children nodes
protected  SceneGraphObject[] NodeComponent.parentList
          Listing of all the parents of this node
protected  SceneGraphObject[] BufferState.parentList
          Listing of all the parents of this node

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return SceneGraphObject
 SceneGraphObject[] ObjectSet.getAllChildren()
          Return an array containing all of this groups children.
 SceneGraphObject ObjectSet.getChild(int idx)
          Retrieves the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type SceneGraphObject
 void ObjectSet.addChild(SceneGraphObject newChild)
          Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children
protected  void NodeComponent.addParent(SceneGraphObject p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void BufferState.addParent(SceneGraphObject p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void TextureUnit.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void Shape3D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void SceneGraphObject.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void Pixmap.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void OffscreenTexture2D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void ObjectSet.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void MultipassTextureComponent.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Deprecated. Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void MRTOffscreenTexture2D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void Group2D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void Group.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void BaseGroup.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void AppearanceOverride.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void Appearance.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void BaseSceneGraphObject.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject node, SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void BaseNode.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject node, SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
protected  void SharedNode2D.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void SharedNode.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void SharedGroup2D.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void SharedGroup.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void SceneGraphObject.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void Node.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void BaseSceneGraphObject.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject node, SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void BaseNode.checkForCyclicParent(SceneGraphObject node, SceneGraphObject child)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node.
protected  void BaseSceneGraphObject.clearUpdateHandler(SceneGraphObject node)
          Clear the scenegraph update handler for this node.
protected  void BaseNode.clearUpdateHandler(SceneGraphObject node)
          Clear the scenegraph update handler for this node.
 int ObjectSet.indexOfChild(SceneGraphObject child)
          Retrieves the index of the specified child node in this group node's list of children.
 void ObjectSet.removeChild(SceneGraphObject child)
          Removes the specified child from the group.
protected  void NodeComponent.removeParent(SceneGraphObject p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void BufferState.removeParent(SceneGraphObject p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
 void ObjectSet.setChild(SceneGraphObject newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
protected  void BaseSceneGraphObject.setLive(SceneGraphObject node, boolean state)
          Set the live state of the given node to this state.
protected  void BaseNode.setLive(SceneGraphObject node, boolean state)
          Set the live state of the given node to this state.
protected  void BaseSceneGraphObject.setUpdateHandler(SceneGraphObject node)
          Set the scenegraph update handler for this node.
protected  void BaseNode.setUpdateHandler(SceneGraphObject node)
          Set the scenegraph update handler for this node.

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom

Subclasses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom
 class Axis
          Representation of a set of axis around the coordinates.
 class Box
          A simple box primitive.
 class Cone
          A simple cone that uses triangles.
 class Cylinder
          A simple cylinder that uses triangle strips for rendering.
 class Sphere
          A simple sphere that uses triangle strips.
 class Spring
          A simple spring that uses triangle strips.
 class Teapot
          A simple teapot that is a low-level geometry primitive.
 class Text2D
          Flat, ploygonalised 2D text representation.
 class Torus
          A simple torus that uses triangle strips.

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume

Subclasses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume
 class OctTree
          Node that implements a simple OctTree-style data structure useful for volume rendering of large datasets.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume with parameters of type SceneGraphObject
protected  void OctTree.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.loader

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.loader that return types with arguments of type SceneGraphObject
 java.util.Map<SceneGraphObject,java.lang.Object> AVModel.getExternallyDefinedFiles()
          Get the listing of the external resources declared as being needed by this file.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SceneGraphObject> AVModel.getNamedObjects()
          Get a mapping of any internally named objects to their corresponding scene graph structure.

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes

Subclasses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes
 class Billboard
          A class that automatically orients its children towards the camera location.
 class BufferGeometry
          Base, unsafe, representation of geometry that uses NIO buffers directly from the user.
 class IndexedBufferGeometry
          Base class that defines indexed geometry types.
 class IndexedLineArray
          An OpenGL LineArray.
 class IndexedLineStripArray
          An OpenGL LineStripArray.
 class IndexedQuadArray
          An OpenGL QuadArray.
 class IndexedQuadStripArray
          An OpenGL IndexedQuadStripArray.
 class IndexedTriangleArray
          An OpenGL Indexed TriangleArray.
 class IndexedTriangleFanArray
          An OpenGL IndexedTriangleFanArray.
 class IndexedTriangleStripArray
          An indexed TriangleStrip geometry.
 class LineArray
          An OpenGL LineArray.
 class LineStripArray
          An OpenGL LineStripArray.
 class LODGroup
          A grouping node structure that controls which children are being rendered based on distance from the user.
 class MarkerGroup
          A grouping node that places it's children in the line of site between a target node and the viewpoint, oriented towards the viewpoint.
 class MaskedSwitch
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a mask of children to be rendered.
 class PointArray
          An OpenGL PointArray.
 class QuadArray
          An OpenGL QuadArray representation.
 class QuadStripArray
          An OpenGL QuadStripArray.
 class SortedPointArray
          An OpenGL PointArray that automatically depth sorts all the points every frame.
 class TriangleArray
          An OpenGL TriangleArray representation.
 class TriangleFanArray
          An OpenGL TriangleFanArray.
 class TriangleStripArray
          An OpenGL TriangleStripArray.

Uses of SceneGraphObject in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.util

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.util with parameters of type SceneGraphObject
 void ScenePrinter.dumpGraph(SceneGraphObject root)
          Print the scene graph from the given root node.
 void ScenePrinter.observedNode(SceneGraphObject parent, SceneGraphObject child, boolean shared, int depth)
          Notification of a scene graph object that has been traversed in the scene.
 void SceneGraphTraversalObserver.observedNode(SceneGraphObject parent, SceneGraphObject child, boolean shared, int depth)
          Notification of a scene graph object that has been traversed in the scene.
 void SceneGraphTraverser.traverseGraph(SceneGraphObject source)
          Traverse the given scene graph now.
 void SceneGraphTraverser.traverseGraph(SceneGraphObject parent, SceneGraphObject source)
          Traverse the given scene graph now with the option of providing an explicit, parent reference.


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