
Class SimpleScene

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
      extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Scene
          extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SimpleScene
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cullable, RenderPassCullable, SceneCullable

public class SimpleScene
extends Scene
implements SceneCullable, RenderPassCullable

Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that can form a coherent rendering.

A scene encapsulates a viewpoint that is used to view the scene from, the geometry structure to render, data defining the view environment (eg projection type) and global data, such as the background, global fog etc.

Internationalisation Resource Names

$Revision: 2.10 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Scene
processor, viewEnvironment
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
alive, LISTENER_SET_TIMING_ERR_PROP, updateHandler
Constructor Summary
          Create a default instance of this scene with no content provided.
Method Summary
 BufferStateRenderable getAccumBufferRenderable()
          Fetch renderable information about the accumulation buffer.
 Background getActiveBackground()
          Get the currently set active background.
 Fog getActiveFog()
          Get the currently set active fog.
 Viewpoint getActiveView()
          Get the currently set active view.
 EnvironmentCullable getBackgroundCullable()
          Get the cullable object representing the active background that in this environment.
 BufferStateRenderable getColorBufferRenderable()
          Fetch renderable information about the colour buffer.
 RenderPassCullable getCullablePass(int passIndex)
          Get the cullable layer child that for the given layer index.
 BufferStateRenderable getDepthBufferRenderable()
          Fetch renderable information about the depth buffer.
 LeafCullable getFogCullable()
          Get the cullable object representing the active fog in this environment.
 BufferStateRenderable getGeneralBufferRenderable()
          Fetch renderable information about the general buffer.
 Group getRenderedGeometry()
          Get the root of the currently rendered scene.
 Cullable getRootCullable()
          Get the primary cullable that represents the root of the scene graph.
 BufferStateRenderable getStencilBufferRenderable()
          Fetch renderable information about the stencil buffer.
 ViewEnvironmentCullable getViewCullable()
          Get the primary view environment information.
 EnvironmentCullable getViewpointCullable()
          Get the cullable object representing the active viewpoint that in this environment.
 ViewportRenderable getViewportRenderable()
          Fetch the renderable used to control the viewport setting.
 boolean is2D()
          Check to see if this represents a 2D scene that has no 3D rendering capabilities.
 boolean isAudioSource()
          Check to see if this render pass is the one that also has the spatialised audio to be rendered for this frame.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Check to see if this render pass is valid to render for this frame.
 boolean isMultipassScene()
          Check to see if this is a multipass cullable or single pass.
 int numCullableChildren()
          Returns the number of valid cullable rendering passes to process.
 void setActiveBackground(Background bg)
          Set the background path that should be applied to the current surface.
 void setActiveFog(Fog fog)
          Set the fog that should be applied to the current surface.
 void setActiveView(Viewpoint vp)
          Set the viewpoint path that should be applied to the current surface.
protected  void setLive(boolean state)
          Notification that this object is live now.
 void setRenderedGeometry(Group geom)
          Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture.
protected  void setUpdateHandler(NodeUpdateHandler handler)
          Set the scenegraph update handler for this node.
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Scene
getRenderEffectsProcessor, getViewEnvironment, setRenderEffectsProcessor
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
checkForCyclicChild, checkForCyclicParent, dataChanged, getAppUpdateWriteTimingMessage, getBoundsWriteTimingMessage, getDataWriteTimingMessage, getUserData, isLive, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering.SceneCullable
getRenderEffectsProcessor, getUserData
Methods inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering.RenderPassCullable

Constructor Detail


public SimpleScene()
Create a default instance of this scene with no content provided.

Method Detail


public boolean isEnabled()
Check to see if this render pass is valid to render for this frame. Simple scenes cannot be disabled.

Specified by:
isEnabled in interface RenderPassCullable
true always


public boolean isMultipassScene()
Check to see if this is a multipass cullable or single pass.

Specified by:
isMultipassScene in interface SceneCullable
true if this is a multipass cullable


public boolean isAudioSource()
Check to see if this render pass is the one that also has the spatialised audio to be rendered for this frame. If this is a multipass layer then there is must return false and potentially one of the render passes will be the active audio source. See the package documentation for more information about how this state is managed.

Specified by:
isAudioSource in interface RenderPassCullable
true if this is the source that should be rendered this this frame.


public ViewEnvironmentCullable getViewCullable()
Get the primary view environment information. This applies to the whole scene before any multipass processing is done. If this is a multipass scene, the frustum information is ignored as each pass applies separately.

Specified by:
getViewCullable in interface RenderPassCullable
Specified by:
getViewCullable in interface SceneCullable


public RenderPassCullable getCullablePass(int passIndex)
Get the cullable layer child that for the given layer index. For a single pass scene this represents everything about the scene to be rendered. The view environment of this scene is the same as that of the first render pass.

Specified by:
getCullablePass in interface SceneCullable
passIndex - The index of the pass to fetch
The layer cullable at the given index or null


public int numCullableChildren()
Returns the number of valid cullable rendering passes to process. In a single pass scene return 1.

Specified by:
numCullableChildren in interface SceneCullable
A number greater than or equal to zero


public boolean is2D()
Check to see if this represents a 2D scene that has no 3D rendering capabilities. A purely 2D scene sets up the view environment quite different to a full 3D scene.

Specified by:
is2D in interface RenderPassCullable
true if this is a 2D scene rather than a 3D version


public EnvironmentCullable getViewpointCullable()
Get the cullable object representing the active viewpoint that in this environment.

Specified by:
getViewpointCullable in interface RenderPassCullable
The viewpoint renderable to use


public EnvironmentCullable getBackgroundCullable()
Get the cullable object representing the active background that in this environment. If no background is set, this will return null.

Specified by:
getBackgroundCullable in interface RenderPassCullable
The background renderable to use


public LeafCullable getFogCullable()
Get the cullable object representing the active fog in this environment. If no fog is set or this is a pass in a multipass rendering, this will return null. If the underlying fog node is currently disabled or not labeled as global, then this method should return null.

Specified by:
getFogCullable in interface RenderPassCullable
The fog renderable to use


public Cullable getRootCullable()
Get the primary cullable that represents the root of the scene graph. If this is a multipass cullable, this should return null.

Specified by:
getRootCullable in interface RenderPassCullable


public ViewportRenderable getViewportRenderable()
Fetch the renderable used to control the viewport setting. If the default environment is to be used, this will return null.

Specified by:
getViewportRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
A renderable instance if custom viewport handling is need or null if not


public BufferStateRenderable getGeneralBufferRenderable()
Fetch renderable information about the general buffer. If this is a single pass scene, this will return null.

Specified by:
getGeneralBufferRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
The state representation for the general buffer


public BufferStateRenderable getColorBufferRenderable()
Fetch renderable information about the colour buffer. If this is a single pass scene, this will return null.

Specified by:
getColorBufferRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
Null always as this is a single pass scene


public BufferStateRenderable getDepthBufferRenderable()
Fetch renderable information about the depth buffer. If this is a single pass scene, this will return null.

Specified by:
getDepthBufferRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
Null always as this is a single pass scene


public BufferStateRenderable getStencilBufferRenderable()
Fetch renderable information about the stencil buffer. If this is a single pass scene, this will return null.

Specified by:
getStencilBufferRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
Null always as this is a single pass scene


public BufferStateRenderable getAccumBufferRenderable()
Fetch renderable information about the accumulation buffer. If this is a single pass scene, this will return null.

Specified by:
getAccumBufferRenderable in interface RenderPassCullable
Null always as this is a single pass scene


protected void setLive(boolean state)
Notification that this object is live now. Overridden to make sure that the live state of the nodes represents the same state as the parent scene graph.

setLive in class Scene
state - true if this should be marked as live now


protected void setUpdateHandler(NodeUpdateHandler handler)
Set the scenegraph update handler for this node. It will notify all its children of the value. A null value will clear the current handler.

setUpdateHandler in class Scene
handler - The instance to use as a handler


public void setRenderedGeometry(Group geom)
                         throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. A null value will clear the current geometry and result in only rendering the background, if set. if not set, then whatever the default colour is, is used (typically black).

geom - The new geometry to use or null
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public Group getRenderedGeometry()
Get the root of the currently rendered scene. If none is set, this will return null.

The current scene root or null.


public void setActiveView(Viewpoint vp)
                   throws InvalidWriteTimingException,
Set the viewpoint path that should be applied to the current surface. The output drawn will be a combination of this information and that of the view environment.

vp - The instance of the active viewpoint to use
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The path contains a SharedGroup or the node is not live
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public Viewpoint getActiveView()
Get the currently set active view. If none is set, return null.

The current view instance or null


public void setActiveFog(Fog fog)
                  throws InvalidWriteTimingException,
Set the fog that should be applied to the current surface. The output drawn will be a combination of this information and that of the view environment.

fog - The instance of the active fog node
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The path contains a SharedGroup or the node is not live
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public Fog getActiveFog()
Get the currently set active fog. If none is set, return null.

The current view instance or null


public void setActiveBackground(Background bg)
                         throws InvalidWriteTimingException,
Set the background path that should be applied to the current surface. The output drawn will be a combination of this information and that of the view environment.

bg - The instance of the active background
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The path contains a SharedGroup or the node is not live
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public Background getActiveBackground()
Get the currently set active background. If none is set, return null.

The current view instance or null


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