
Class ViewEnvironment

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
      extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.ViewEnvironment
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cullable, ViewEnvironmentCullable

public class ViewEnvironment
extends SceneGraphObject
implements ViewEnvironmentCullable

Representation of the physical environment setup used to connect a virtual Viewpoint object to the real one that is rendered on a drawable surface.

Most of the properties of this class are changed during the app update observer callback cycle. Anything that is generated will be done using the currently set data at that time.

A view environment cannot be directly created. You must fetch the environment from it's parent Scene instance.

Frustum Generation

The view frustum is generated depends on the aspect ratio. If the user sets an explicit aspect ratio, this is used in preference. If no aspect ratio is set (or the value set to <= 0) then the dimensions of the viewport that this is contained within are used to automatically calculate an aspect ratio.

The aspect ratio is not set by default.

Stereo support

If the output device is capable of supporting stereo rendering, this class can be used to enable it. Since the stereo flags are supplied here, that allows the end user to control which layer(s) should be rendered in stereo and which should not. For example, a HUD may want to have a text overlay that has no depth applied, rendered over the top of the main layer, which has stereo applied. One environment has the flag set, the other does not.

By default, stereo is disabled.

Field of View and aspect ratio

The field of view calculation defines the viewing angle that is used in the Y axis - definition the minimum and maximum Y extents for the view frustum. If an explicit aspect ratio is set then the X extents are calculated using that, otherwise the dimensions of the viewport are used to calculate an aspect ratio, and finally the X extents.

Internationalisation Resource Names

$Revision: 1.35 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
          The projection type is a custom user-provided matrix
          The projection type is an infinite perspective matrix
          The projection type is perspective mode
          The projection type is perspective mode
static int VIEW_HEIGHT
          Index into the viewport size array for the height
static int VIEW_WIDTH
          Index into the viewport size array for the width
static int VIEW_X
          Index into the viewport size array for the X position
static int VIEW_Y
          Index into the viewport size array for the Y position
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
alive, LISTENER_SET_TIMING_ERR_PROP, updateHandler
Method Summary
 void generateViewFrustum(double[] frustum)
          Generate a frustum based on the projectionType.
 void generateViewFrustumPlanes(javax.vecmath.Vector4f[] planes)
          Convenience method to generate the 6 frustum planes from the current projection information held.
 double getAspectRatio()
          Get the currently set aspect ratio.
 double getFarClipDistance()
          Get the current setting of the far clip plane.
 double getFieldOfView()
          Get the currently set field of view.
 double getNearClipDistance()
          Get the current setting of the far clip plane.
 void getPixelLocationInSurface(float x, float y, javax.vecmath.Point3f position)
          Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.
 void getPixelLocationInSurface(float x, float y, javax.vecmath.Point3f offset, javax.vecmath.Point3f position)
          Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.
 void getProjectionMatrix(float[] matrix)
          Get the projection matrix that is generated for this environment.
 int getProjectionType()
          Check to see if stereo has been enabled for this environment.
 int[] getScissorDimensions()
          Get the currently set dimensions of the scissor area.
 void getViewFrustum(double[] frustum)
          Get the frustum based on the projectionType.
 int[] getViewportDimensions()
          Get the currently set dimensions of the viewport.
 boolean isStereoEnabled()
          Check to see if stereo has been enabled for this environment.
 void setAspectRatio(double aspect)
          Set aspect ratio, which is the ratio of window Width / Height.
 void setClipDistance(double near, double far)
          Set the near clipping distance to be used by the application.
 void setFarClipDistance(double d)
          Set the far clipping distance to be used by the application.
 void setFieldOfView(double angle)
          Set the field of view to be used.
 void setNearClipDistance(double d)
          Set the near clipping distance to be used by the application.
 void setOrthoParams(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
          Set the Orthographic view parameters.
 void setProjectionMatrix(float[] matrix)
          Set a custom projection matrix for this view environment.
 void setProjectionType(int type)
          Set the perspective projection flag used for this environment.
 void setScissorDimensions(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Set the scissor area dimensions to reduce the amount of the parent viewport that is rendered to.
 void setStereoEnabled(boolean stereo)
          Set the stereo flag used for this environment.
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
checkForCyclicChild, checkForCyclicParent, dataChanged, getAppUpdateWriteTimingMessage, getBoundsWriteTimingMessage, getDataWriteTimingMessage, getUserData, isLive, setLive, setUpdateHandler, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION
The projection type is perspective mode

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJECTION
The projection type is perspective mode

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INFINITE_PROJECTION
The projection type is an infinite perspective matrix

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CUSTOM_PROJECTION
The projection type is a custom user-provided matrix

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VIEW_X
Index into the viewport size array for the X position

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VIEW_Y
Index into the viewport size array for the Y position

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VIEW_WIDTH
Index into the viewport size array for the width

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VIEW_HEIGHT
Index into the viewport size array for the height

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public boolean isStereoEnabled()
Check to see if stereo has been enabled for this environment.

Specified by:
isStereoEnabled in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
true if stereo rendering is to be used


public int getProjectionType()
Check to see if stereo has been enabled for this environment.

Specified by:
getProjectionType in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
true if stereo rendering is to be used


public int[] getViewportDimensions()
Get the currently set dimensions of the viewport. This is automatically pushed down from the parent Viewport instance. The values are described as
viewport[0] = x
viewport[1] = y
viewport[2] = width
viewport[3] = height

Specified by:
getViewportDimensions in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
The current viewport size


public int[] getScissorDimensions()
Get the currently set dimensions of the scissor area. The values are described as
viewport[0] = x
viewport[1] = y
viewport[2] = width
viewport[3] = height

Specified by:
getScissorDimensions in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
The current viewport size


public void getViewFrustum(double[] frustum)
Get the frustum based on the projectionType. Perspective used the current view setup of FoV, near and far clipping distances and the aspectRatio ratio, generate the 6 parameters that describe a view frustum. These parameters are what could be used as arguments to the glFrustum call. The parameter order for perspective is: [x min, x max, y min, y max, z near, z far] Orthographic uses the parameters specified in the setOrthoParams. The parameter order for orthographic: [left, right, bottom, top, near, far]

Specified by:
getViewFrustum in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
frustum - An array at least 6 in length for the values generated


public double getFieldOfView()
Get the currently set field of view. The field of view is specified in degrees.

Specified by:
getFieldOfView in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
A value 0 <= x <= 180;


public void getProjectionMatrix(float[] matrix)
Get the projection matrix that is generated for this environment. The projection matrix may be customised, or generated from the other data that is available from this class. The appropriate behaviour on the part of the caller will depend on the projection type flag.

Specified by:
getProjectionMatrix in interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
matrix - An array of length 16 to put the projection matrix in to The format is row-major


public void setStereoEnabled(boolean stereo)
Set the stereo flag used for this environment.

stereo - True if stereo should be rendered
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void setProjectionType(int type)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the perspective projection flag used for this environment.

InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The type is not valid


public void setFieldOfView(double angle)
                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the field of view to be used. The value supplied must be in degrees.

angle - The angle in degress
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The angle is less than or equal to zero
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void setAspectRatio(double aspect)
Set aspect ratio, which is the ratio of window Width / Height. An aspect ratio of <= 0 will be calculated from the current window or viewport dimensions.

aspect - The new aspectRatio ratio.
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public double getAspectRatio()
Get the currently set aspect ratio. Width / Height.

The aspect ratio


public void setNearClipDistance(double d)
Set the near clipping distance to be used by the application.

d - The distance to set the near clip plane to
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public double getNearClipDistance()
Get the current setting of the far clip plane.

The current value, which is less than the far plane


public void setClipDistance(double near,
                            double far)
Set the near clipping distance to be used by the application.

near - The distance to set the near clip plane
far - The distance to the far clip plane
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void setFarClipDistance(double d)
Set the far clipping distance to be used by the application.

d - The distance to set the near clip plane to
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void setProjectionMatrix(float[] matrix)
Set a custom projection matrix for this view environment. This will automatically set the projection type to CUSTOM_PROJECTION.

matrix - A length 16 array of the 4x4 matrix, in row major form
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public double getFarClipDistance()
Get the current setting of the far clip plane.

The current value, which is greater than the near plane


public void setOrthoParams(double left,
                           double right,
                           double bottom,
                           double top)
Set the Orthographic view parameters.

left - The left plane coordinate
right - The right plane coordinate
bottom - The bottom plane coordinate
top - The top plane coordinate
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void generateViewFrustum(double[] frustum)
Generate a frustum based on the projectionType. Perspective used the current view setup of FoV, near and far clipping distances and the aspectRatio ratio, generate the 6 parameters that describe a view frustum. These parameters are what could be used as arguments to the glFrustum call.

The parameter order for perspective is:
[x min, x max, y min, y max, z near, z far]
Orthographic uses the parameters specified in the setOrthoParams. The parameter order for orthographic:
[left, right, bottom, top, near, far]
If a custom matrix is provided, this will generate all zeroes in the returned array values.

frustum - An array at least 6 in length for the values generated


public void generateViewFrustumPlanes(javax.vecmath.Vector4f[] planes)
Convenience method to generate the 6 frustum planes from the current projection information held. Note that these are local to the camera's coordinate system and do not include the viewpoint transformation matrix in the calculation.

Planes are in the order: left, right, top, bottom, near, far

planes - The planes to place the data in


public void setScissorDimensions(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 int width,
                                 int height)
Set the scissor area dimensions to reduce the amount of the parent viewport that is rendered to. Dimesions are relative to the window coordinates, not to the viewport. If width or height are set to zero or negative the scissor is ignored and the entire viewport is rendered. This is the default state.

x - The lower left x coordinate for the view
y - The lower left y coordinate for the view
width - The width of the viewport in pixels
height - The height of the viewport in pixels


public void getPixelLocationInSurface(float x,
                                      float y,
                                      javax.vecmath.Point3f position)
Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates. This uses the current view frustum calculation.

x - The X coordinate
y - The Y coordinate
position - The converted position. It must be preallocated.


public void getPixelLocationInSurface(float x,
                                      float y,
                                      javax.vecmath.Point3f offset,
                                      javax.vecmath.Point3f position)
Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates. This uses the current view frustum calculation and an optional amount of eye offset (which is particularly useful for stereo calculations).

x - The X coordinate
y - The Y coordinate
offset - Any Eye offset amount needed for a canvas offset or null
position - The converted position. It must be preallocated.


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