
Class ObjectSet

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
      extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.ObjectSet

public abstract class ObjectSet
extends SceneGraphObject

A general purpose container class to allow end users to extend the basic geometry capabilities, while still providing a way to manage scene graph state such as liveness calls and update handlers.

A lot of the state calls of children can only be called by extending the class and calling protected methods. When a child scenegraph object is defined for a collection of children outside of the base aviatrix3d package there is no way for passing in liveness state due to the protected nature of the required methods. This class provides methods that allow a derived class to call back into the package and set those states.

Implementation Note

Since this is a base set of nodes, no interface with the rendering pipeline has been implemented. It is up to the person extending this class to implement an appropriate interface that extends from Cullable so that the rendering infrastructure may process any or all children of this set.

Internationalisation Resource Names

$Revision: 2.5 $
Alan Hudson, Justin Couch

Field Summary
protected  SceneGraphObject[] childList
          The list of children nodes
protected  int lastChild
          Index to the next place to add items in the nodeList
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
alive, LISTENER_SET_TIMING_ERR_PROP, updateHandler
Constructor Summary
protected ObjectSet()
          The default constructor
Method Summary
 void addChild(SceneGraphObject newChild)
          Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children
protected  void checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
          Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node.
 SceneGraphObject[] getAllChildren()
          Return an array containing all of this groups children.
 SceneGraphObject getChild(int idx)
          Retrieves the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children.
 int indexOfChild(SceneGraphObject child)
          Retrieves the index of the specified child node in this group node's list of children.
 int numChildren()
          Returns the number of children this group contains.
 void removeAllChildren()
          Removes all children from the group.
 void removeChild(int idx)
          Remove the child at the specified index from the group.
 void removeChild(SceneGraphObject child)
          Removes the specified child from the group.
 void setChild(SceneGraphObject newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
protected  void setLive(boolean state)
          Notification that this object is live now.
protected  void setUpdateHandler(NodeUpdateHandler handler)
          Set the scenegraph update handler for this node.
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
checkForCyclicParent, dataChanged, getAppUpdateWriteTimingMessage, getBoundsWriteTimingMessage, getDataWriteTimingMessage, getUserData, isLive, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected SceneGraphObject[] childList
The list of children nodes


protected int lastChild
Index to the next place to add items in the nodeList

Constructor Detail


protected ObjectSet()
The default constructor

Method Detail


protected void checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
                            throws CyclicSceneGraphStructureException
Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node. This is the downwards check to ensure that there is no cyclic scene graph structures at the point where someone adds a node to the scenegraph. When the reference and this are the same, an exception is generated. Since each class may have different lists of child node setups, this should be overriden by any class that can take children, and have the call passed along to the children.

checkForCyclicChild in class SceneGraphObject
parent - The reference to check against this class
CyclicSceneGraphStructureException - Equal parent and child


protected void setUpdateHandler(NodeUpdateHandler handler)
Set the scenegraph update handler for this node. It will notify all its children of the value. A null value will clear the current handler.

setUpdateHandler in class SceneGraphObject
handler - The instance to use as a handler


protected void setLive(boolean state)
Notification that this object is live now.

setLive in class SceneGraphObject
state - true if this should be marked as live now


public void addChild(SceneGraphObject newChild)
              throws AlreadyParentedException,
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children

newChild - The child to add
AlreadyParentedException - There is a valid parent already set
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener bounds changed callback method


public void setChild(SceneGraphObject newChild,
                     int idx)
              throws AlreadyParentedException,
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.

newChild - The child node to use
idx - The index to replace. Must be greater than 0 and less then numChildren
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - When the idx is invalid
AlreadyParentedException - There is a valid parent already set
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener bounds changed callback method


public void removeChild(int idx)
                 throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Remove the child at the specified index from the group.

idx - The index of the child to remove
IndexOfBoundsException - When the idx is invalid
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener bounds changed callback method


public SceneGraphObject getChild(int idx)
Retrieves the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children.

The node
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the idx is invalid


public SceneGraphObject[] getAllChildren()
Return an array containing all of this groups children. This structure is the nodes internal representation. Check the numChildren call to determine how many entries are valid.

An array of nodes


public int numChildren()
Returns the number of children this group contains.

The number of children


public int indexOfChild(SceneGraphObject child)
Retrieves the index of the specified child node in this group node's list of children.

child - The child to find
the index of the child or -1 if not found


public void removeChild(SceneGraphObject child)
                 throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Removes the specified child from the group. If the child does not exist its silently ignored.

child - The child to remove
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener bounds changed callback method


public void removeAllChildren()
                       throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Removes all children from the group.

InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener bounds changed callback method


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