
Class Billboard

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
      extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Node
          extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.BaseNode
              extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.BaseGroup
                  extended by org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes.Billboard
All Implemented Interfaces:
CustomPickTarget, PickableObject, PickTarget, Cullable, CustomCullable, TransformHierarchy

public class Billboard
extends BaseGroup
implements CustomCullable, CustomPickTarget, PickableObject

A class that automatically orients its children towards the camera location.

This class is design to operate in a shared scene graph structure. It works with the Cullable interface to make sure that regardless of the traversal path, it will have the children pointing towards the camera location. This makes it safe to share between layers as well as normal scene graph usage. Correctness is ensured regardless of culling traversal.

Bounds of this object is represented as a spherical object that is based on the largest dimension of all the children combined.

In order to use this node effectively, you will need to use the FrustumCullStage to process the children. It uses custom culling routines internally and that is the only cull stage that will do something useful with ths node.

$Revision: 1.8 $
Rune Aasgaard, (c) SINTEF, Justin Couch

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.BaseGroup
childList, dirtyBoundsCount, lastChild
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Node
bounds, implicitBounds, parent
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
alive, LISTENER_SET_TIMING_ERR_PROP, updateHandler
Fields inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking.PickTarget
Fields inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking.PickableObject
Constructor Summary
          Construct a default billboard that uses point mode for the default axis.
Billboard(boolean pointMode)
          Create a new billboard with the option of rotating around a point in space or any nominal axis.
Method Summary
 boolean checkPickMask(int mask)
          Check the given pick mask against the node's internal pick mask representation.
 void cullChildren(CullInstructions output, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewTransform, javax.vecmath.Vector4f[] frustumPlanes, float angularRes)
          Check this node for children to traverse.
 void getAxisOfRotation(float[] axis)
          Fetch the currently set axis of rotation.
 BoundingVolume getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 int getPickMask()
          Get the current pickable state mask of this object.
 int getPickTargetType()
          Return the type constant that represents the type of pick target this is.
 boolean isPointMode()
          Check to see whether this billboard is operating as a point in space or along an axis.
 void pickBatch(PickRequest[] reqs, int numRequests)
          Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.
 void pickChildren(PickInstructions output, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx, PickRequest req)
          This node is being subjected to picking, so process the provided data and return the instructions on the list of available children and any transformation information to the system.
 void pickSingle(PickRequest req)
          Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.
protected  void recomputeBounds()
          Implementation of recompute bounds.
 void setAxisOfRotation(float[] axis)
          Set the axis of rotation used when the billboard is not operating in point mode.
 void setPickMask(int state)
          Set the node as being pickable currently using the given bit mask.
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.BaseGroup
addChild, checkForCyclicChild, getAllChildren, getChild, indexOfChild, markBoundsDirty, numChildren, removeAllChildren, removeChild, removeChild, requestBoundsUpdate, setBounds, setChild, setLive, setUpdateHandler, updateBounds
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.BaseNode
checkForCyclicChild, checkForCyclicParent, clearUpdateHandler, removeParent, setLive, setParent, setUpdateHandler
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.Node
boundsChanged, checkForCyclicParent, getBounds, getParent, removeParent, setParent, updateParentBounds
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.SceneGraphObject
dataChanged, getAppUpdateWriteTimingMessage, getBoundsWriteTimingMessage, getDataWriteTimingMessage, getUserData, isLive, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Billboard()
Construct a default billboard that uses point mode for the default axis.


public Billboard(boolean pointMode)
Create a new billboard with the option of rotating around a point in space or any nominal axis.

pointMode - true if this should be rotating around a point in space
Method Detail


public void cullChildren(CullInstructions output,
                         javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx,
                         javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewTransform,
                         javax.vecmath.Vector4f[] frustumPlanes,
                         float angularRes)
Check this node for children to traverse. The angular resolution is defined as Field Of View (in radians) / viewport width in pixels.

Specified by:
cullChildren in interface CustomCullable
output - Fill in the child information here
vworldTx - The transformation from the root of the scene to this node according to the current traversal path
viewTransform - The transformation from the root of the scene graph to the active viewpoint
frustumPlanes - Listing of frustum planes in the order: right, left, bottom, top, far, near
angularRes - Angular resolution of the screen, or 0 if not calculable from the available data.


public void pickChildren(PickInstructions output,
                         javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx,
                         PickRequest req)
This node is being subjected to picking, so process the provided data and return the instructions on the list of available children and any transformation information to the system.

Specified by:
pickChildren in interface CustomPickTarget
output - Fill in the picking results here
vworldTx - The transformation from the root of the scene to this node according to the current traversal path
req - The details of the picking request that are to be processed


public boolean checkPickMask(int mask)
Check the given pick mask against the node's internal pick mask representation. If there is a match in one or more bitfields then this will return true, allowing picking to continue to process for this target.

Specified by:
checkPickMask in interface PickTarget
mask - The bit mask to check against
True if the mask has an overlapping set of bitfields


public BoundingVolume getPickableBounds()
Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.

Specified by:
getPickableBounds in interface PickTarget
The bounding volume defining the pickable target space


public int getPickTargetType()
Return the type constant that represents the type of pick target this is. Used to provided optimised picking implementations.

Specified by:
getPickTargetType in interface PickTarget


public void setPickMask(int state)
Set the node as being pickable currently using the given bit mask. A mask of 0 will completely disable picking.

Specified by:
setPickMask in interface PickableObject
state - A bit mask of available options to pick for


public int getPickMask()
Get the current pickable state mask of this object. A value of zero means it is completely unpickable.

Specified by:
getPickMask in interface PickableObject
A bit mask of available options to pick for


public void pickBatch(PickRequest[] reqs,
                      int numRequests)
               throws NotPickableException,
Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.

Specified by:
pickBatch in interface PickableObject
reqs - The list of picks to be made, starting at this object
numRequests - The number of valid pick requests to process
NotPickableException - This object has been marked as non pickable, but you decided to try to call the method anyway
InvalidPickTimingException - An attempt was made to pick outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


public void pickSingle(PickRequest req)
                throws NotPickableException,
Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.

Specified by:
pickSingle in interface PickableObject
req - The details of the pick to be made
NotPickableException - This object has been marked as non pickable, but you decided to try to call the method anyway
InvalidPickTimingException - An attempt was made to pick outside of the ApplicationUpdateObserver callback method


protected void recomputeBounds()
Implementation of recompute bounds. Expands the boundingbox to compensate for rotation of the children

recomputeBounds in class BaseGroup


public boolean isPointMode()
Check to see whether this billboard is operating as a point in space or along an axis.

true if this is rotating around a point in space


public void setAxisOfRotation(float[] axis)
Set the axis of rotation used when the billboard is not operating in point mode. If the billboard is in point mode, the values set by this method are ignored. Setting an axis with all three components equal to zero is an error if this is not in point mode. In point mode, no checks are performed.

axis - An array containing the 3 axis coordinates


public void getAxisOfRotation(float[] axis)
Fetch the currently set axis of rotation.

axis - An array of at least length 3 to copy the rotation axis into


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