
Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cullable
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics Implementations of the various pipeline pieces. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering Interfaces used to describe the scene graph structure to rendering and sorting routines of the pipeline. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume Volume rendering extensions to the Aviatrix3D scene graph. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. 

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Classes in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that implement Cullable
 class AmbientLight
          Representation of a purely ambient light source with no other abilities.
 class AppearanceOverride
          An appearance that can be placed higher in the tree other than the Appearance node and overrides the appearance of all objects lower in the tree.
 class Background
          Base collection of functionality marking background nodes of various types.
 class BackgroundSound
          A BackgroundSound class whichs emits a sound which doesn't change by distance or orientation.
 class BoxBackground
          Background node that renders a sky box using any or all of the 6 textures.
 class ClipPlane
          Representation of a single clip plane that can be used to clip a model in addition to the normal view volume clipping.
 class ColorBackground
          Background node that represents a single solid 4-component colour.
 class CompositeLayer
          A layer that allows the definition of multiple viewports to be rendered.
 class CompositeLayer2D
          A layer that allows the definition of multiple viewports to be rendered, but is restricted to 2D rendering only.
 class CompositeViewport
          An viewport that may, itself contain a large collection of layers.
 class ConeSound
          A ConeSound class which emits a conical sound in one direction.
 class DirectionalLight
          Representation of a directional light source.
 class Fog
          Describes a fog rendering effect.
 class Group
          The Group node object is a generic container of other nodes in the scene.
 class Group2D
          The Group2D node object is a generic container of other 2D nodes in the & scene.
 class ImageBackground
          Background node for 2D scenes that draws an image on screen as the background.
 class Layer
          An abstract layer definition that can be applied at the root of the scene graph.
 class Light
          Base representation of a light source that corresponds to the base set of capabilities that all lights in OpenGL have.
 class MRTOffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer with the ability to have multiple render targets.
 class MultipassScene
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that permits multipass rendering to be performed.
 class MultipassViewport
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering and is rendered using multipass techniques.
 class MultipassViewportLayer
          An viewport layer that allows multipass rendering to be performed within this layer.
 class OffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer, using OpenGL frame buffer objects or pbuffers, depending on system capability.
 class PixelTransform
          A grouping node that contains a transform for 2D pixel coordinate space.
 class Pixmap
          A Pixmap wraps 2D screen-aligned pixel blits.
 class PointLight
          Representation of a point light source.
 class PointSound
          A PointSound class which emits sound in all directions from a point.
 class RenderPass
          Representation of a single pass in a multipass rendering layer setup.
 class Shape3D
          A Shape3D class wraps polygonal geometry and appearance information.
 class ShapeBackground
          Background node that renders a list of user-provided Shape3D instances.
 class SharedGroup
          A grouping node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedGroup2D
          A grouping 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode
          A node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode2D
          A 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SimpleLayer
          An layer definition that only allows a single viewport that covers the entire area as it's child.
 class SimpleLayer2D
          An layer definition that only allows a single viewport that covers the entire area as it's child.
 class SimpleScene
          Representation of the top level structure of a piece of scene graph that can form a coherent rendering.
 class SimpleViewport
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering.
 class SimpleViewportLayer
          An viewport layer definition that only allows a single, simple scene to be drawn as it's contents.
 class Sound
          A Sound class represents all sound emiting nodes in the system.
 class SphereBackground
          Background node that renders a single user-provided texture on a sphere.
 class SpotLight
          Representation of a spot light source.
 class SwitchGroup
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a single child to be rendered.
 class TransformGroup
          A grouping node that contains a transform.
 class ViewEnvironment
          Representation of the physical environment setup used to connect a virtual Viewpoint object to the real one that is rendered on a drawable surface.
 class Viewpoint
          A viewpoint into the scene.
 class Viewport2D
          A viewport that contains a single scene, with no internal layering and is restricted to 2D rendering only.
 class ViewportLayer2D
          An ViewportLayer that supports only 2D-based rendering concepts.

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d declared as Cullable
protected  Cullable[] Group2D.cullList
          The list of children nodes represented as cullable
protected  Cullable[] Group.cullList
          The list of children nodes represented as cullable

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return Cullable
 Cullable SharedNode2D.getCullableChild()
          Get the child renderable of this object.
 Cullable SharedNode.getCullableChild()
          Get the child renderable of this object.
 Cullable[] SwitchGroup.getCullableChildren()
          Get the list of children that are valid to be rendered according to the rules of the grouping node.
 Cullable[] Group2D.getCullableChildren()
          Get the list of children that are valid to be rendered according to the rules of the grouping node.
 Cullable[] Group.getCullableChildren()
          Get the list of children that are valid to be rendered according to the rules of the grouping node.
 Cullable Viewpoint.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable SharedNode2D.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable SharedNode.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable SharedGroup2D.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable SharedGroup.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable Group2D.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable Group.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable Background.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable SimpleScene.getRootCullable()
          Get the primary cullable that represents the root of the scene graph.
 Cullable RenderPass.getRootCullable()
          Get the primary cullable that represents the root of the scene graph.

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics with type parameters of type Cullable
protected  java.util.ArrayList<Cullable> BaseCullStage.currentViewpointPath
          Path to the current viewpoint

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering

Subinterfaces of Cullable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering
 interface CustomCullable
          Marker interface that represent a generic node that is capable of deciding whether it should cull it children.
 interface EnvironmentCullable
          Cullable describing a node that is used for the environmental effects such as viewpoints and backgrounds.
 interface GroupCullable
          A cullable that contains multiple cullables as children objects.
 interface LayerCullable
          A cullable that represents a single visual composited layer.
 interface LeafCullable
          An cullable that represents the end of the rendering traversal and results in something that can be rendered now.
 interface OffscreenCullable
          A cullable that represents and offscreen rendered piece of scene graph that will be used later by a parent object.
 interface RenderPassCullable
          A cullable that represents a single rendering pass within a viewport.
 interface SceneCullable
          A cullable that represents the scene contained in a viewport or viewport layer.
 interface SingleCullable
          An object that contains a single Cullable as a child.
 interface TransformCullable
          A Cullable type that allows a node to transform its child/children.
 interface ViewEnvironmentCullable
          A cullable that represents the viewing set up within a given layer.
 interface ViewportCullable
          A cullable that represents a single visual composited layer.
 interface ViewportLayerCullable
          A cullable that represents a single visual composited layer.

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering declared as Cullable
 Cullable[] CullInstructions.children
          The array of children nodes that are valid children for travering for further rendering.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering that return Cullable
 Cullable SingleCullable.getCullableChild()
          Get the child renderable of this object.
 Cullable[] GroupCullable.getCullableChildren()
          Get the list of children that are valid to be rendered according to the rules of the grouping node.
 Cullable SingleCullable.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable GroupCullable.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable EnvironmentCullable.getCullableParent()
          Get the parent cullable of this instance.
 Cullable RenderPassCullable.getRootCullable()
          Get the primary cullable that represents the root of the scene graph.

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom

Classes in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom that implement Cullable
 class Axis
          Representation of a set of axis around the coordinates.
 class Box
          A simple box primitive.
 class Cone
          A simple cone that uses triangles.
 class Cylinder
          A simple cylinder that uses triangle strips for rendering.
 class Sphere
          A simple sphere that uses triangle strips.
 class Spring
          A simple spring that uses triangle strips.
 class Torus
          A simple torus that uses triangle strips.

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume

Classes in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume that implement Cullable
 class OctTree
          Node that implements a simple OctTree-style data structure useful for volume rendering of large datasets.

Uses of Cullable in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes

Classes in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes that implement Cullable
 class Billboard
          A class that automatically orients its children towards the camera location.
 class LODGroup
          A grouping node structure that controls which children are being rendered based on distance from the user.
 class MarkerGroup
          A grouping node that places it's children in the line of site between a target node and the viewpoint, oriented towards the viewpoint.
 class MaskedSwitch
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a mask of children to be rendered.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes that return Cullable
 Cullable[] MaskedSwitch.getCullableChildren()
          Get the list of children that are valid to be rendered according to the rules of the grouping node.


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