
Class BaseCullStage

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.BaseCullStage
All Implemented Interfaces:
CullStage, GraphicsCullStage
Direct Known Subclasses:
DebugFrustumCullStage, FrustumCullStage, GenericCullStage, NullCullStage, SimpleFrustumCullStage

public abstract class BaseCullStage
extends java.lang.Object
implements GraphicsCullStage

Common implementation of many of the capabilities required by any cull stage.

The class takes care of the majority of the basic implementation requirements such as resizing various data structures, traversing the top of the scene graph super structure (layers, viewports et al) and processing offscreen sources, before sending onto the next stage. All the derived class is required to do is handle traversing a single scene instance and registering any pBuffer offscreens it happens to find. This class will make sure that they are looked after appropriately.

$Revision: 3.38 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
protected  OffscreenCullable activeParent
          The active parent scene of the scene we are processing.
protected  OverrideRenderable[] appearanceStack
          A stack used to control the appearance override nodes down the tree
protected  boolean checkOffscreens
          If set, recurse into Shape3Ds looking for offscreen textures
protected  EffectRenderable[] clipList
          The list of clip plane nodes currently valid while traversing.
protected  float[][] clipTxList
          The list of clip transforms currently valid while traversing
protected  java.util.ArrayList<Cullable> currentViewpointPath
          Path to the current viewpoint
protected  org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter errorReporter
          Local reporter to put errors in
protected  float[] eyePoint
          Storage variable for the eye offset values
protected  EffectRenderable[] fogStack
          A stack used to control the depth of the fog nodes down the tree
protected  int lastAppearanceStack
          Index to the next place to add items in the fogStack
protected  int lastClip
          Index to the next place to add items in the clipList
protected  int lastFogStack
          Index to the next place to add items in the fogStack
protected  int lastLight
          Index to the next place to add items in the lightList
protected  int lastOutputLayer
          Index of the the next layer output
protected  int lastOutputList
          Index to the next output list in the validCullList
protected  int lastSubscene
          Index of the last subscene in the list
protected  int lastTxStack
          Index to the next place to add items in the transformStack
protected  LayerCullable[] layersTmp
          Temporary variable for fetching layers from sub scenes
protected static int LIGHT_INCREMENT
          The increment size of the list if it gets overflowed
protected static int LIGHT_START_SIZE
          The initial size of the light list
protected  EffectRenderable[] lightList
          The list of lights nodes currently valid while traversing.
protected  float[][] lightTxList
          The list of light transforms currently valid while traversing
protected static int LIST_INCREMENT
          The increment size of the list if it gets overflowed
protected static int LIST_START_LENGTH
          Initial size of the cull list for the number of offscreen surfaces
protected  org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils matrixUtils
          Matrix utility code for doing inversions
protected  javax.vecmath.Matrix4f orientationMatrix
          Rotation matrix for the orientation provided by user
protected  int[] outputLayerCounts
          Final list of the counts of layers in each subscene
protected  ViewportCollection[][] outputLayers
          Final list of the layers that are to be passed to the output
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] outputSceneParents
          List of valid subscene parents as we process them
protected  OffscreenCullable[] pendingParents
          Buffer list of sub scenes that still need processing
protected  OffscreenCullable[] pendingSubscenes
          Buffer list of sub scenes that still need processing
protected  org.j3d.util.HashSet processedPBufferTextures
          Collection of offscreen textures we've found this frame
protected  float[] screenOrientation
          Storage variable for the screen orientation values
protected static java.lang.String SHARED_VP_MSG
          Message when setting the active view if it contains a shared parent
protected  boolean terminate
          Flag indicating a shutdown of the current processing is requested
protected  javax.vecmath.Matrix4f[] transformStack
          A stack used to control the depth of the transform tree
protected  boolean useEyePoint
          Flag to say explicit eyepoint values have been provided
protected  boolean useOrientation
          Flag to say explicit screen orientation values have been provided
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] validSceneParents
          List of valid subscene parents as we process them
protected  javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewMatrix1
          Matrix used for pre-computing the view stack
protected  javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewMatrix2
          Matrix used for pre-computing the view stack
protected  GraphicsCullOutputDetails[] workCullList
          List that is being used to fill values into
protected  int[] workLayerCounts
          Working list of the counts of layers in each subscene
protected  ViewportCollection[][] workLayers
          Working list of the layers that are to be passed to the output
Constructor Summary
BaseCullStage(int numSurfaces)
          Create a basic instance of this class with the list initial internal setup for the given number of renderable surfaces.
Method Summary
protected  void checkForOffscreens(ShapeRenderable shape)
          Check a shape node for the offscreen textures that may be present.
protected  void cleanupOldRefs()
          Clean up the unused resources after the end of the cull process.
 void cull(RenderableRequestData otherData, ProfilingData profilingData, LayerCullable[] layers, int numLayers)
          Update and cull the scenegraph defined by a set of layers.
protected  void cullMultipassViewportLayer(SceneCullable scene, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex, int layerIndex)
          Cull through a multipass viewport layer.
protected abstract  void cullRenderPass(RenderPassCullable pass, int passNumber, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex, int layerIndex)
          Update and cull the a single pass from a multipass rendering.
protected abstract  void cullScene(RenderPassCullable scene, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex, int layerIndex)
          Update and cull the scenegraph.
protected abstract  void cullScene2D(RenderPassCullable scene, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex, int layerIndex)
          Update and cull a 2D scenegraph.
protected  void cullSingleViewportLayer(SceneCullable scene, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex, int layerIndex)
          Cull through a multipass viewport layer.
protected  void cullViewport(ViewportCullable view, int subsceneId, int layerId, int viewIndex)
          Process a single viewport for culling.
protected  void fill2DEnvData(SceneCullable scene, GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
          Take a 2D scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.
protected  void fillMultipassEnvData(SceneCullable scene, GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
          Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.
protected  void fillRenderPassEnvData(RenderPassCullable pass, GraphicsEnvironmentData envData, BufferDetails bufferData)
          Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.
protected  void fillSingleEnvData(SceneCullable scene, GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
          Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.
 void halt()
          Force a halt of the current processing.
 boolean isOffscreenCheckEnabled()
          Find out what the current offscreen check state is.
protected  void processLayer(LayerCullable layer, int subsceneId, int layerId)
          Process the layers of a pbuffer texture source.
protected  void resizeAppearanceStack()
          Resize the appearance stack if needed.
protected  void resizeClipList()
          Resize the list if needed.
protected  void resizeCullList(int cur_size)
          Resize the list if needed.
protected  void resizeFogStack()
          Resize the fog stack if needed.
protected  void resizeLightList()
          Resize the list if needed.
protected  void resizeOffscreenList()
          Resize the list if needed.
protected  void resizeOutputLists()
          Resize the list if needed.
protected  void resizeStack()
          Resize the transform stack if needed.
 void setCulledGeometryReceiver(CulledGeometryReceiver sgr)
          Register a reciever for the output of the sorter.
 void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
          Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
 void setEyePointOffset(float x, float y, float z)
          Set the eyepoint offset from the centre position.
 void setOffscreenCheckEnabled(boolean state)
          Set the flag for whether to check for offscreen textures or not.
 void setScreenOrientation(float x, float y, float z, float a)
          Set the orientation of this screen relative to the user's normal view direction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String SHARED_VP_MSG
Message when setting the active view if it contains a shared parent

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int LIST_START_LENGTH
Initial size of the cull list for the number of offscreen surfaces

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int LIST_INCREMENT
The increment size of the list if it gets overflowed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int LIGHT_START_SIZE
The initial size of the light list

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int LIGHT_INCREMENT
The increment size of the list if it gets overflowed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean checkOffscreens
If set, recurse into Shape3Ds looking for offscreen textures


protected OffscreenCullable[] pendingSubscenes
Buffer list of sub scenes that still need processing


protected OffscreenCullable[] pendingParents
Buffer list of sub scenes that still need processing


protected int lastSubscene
Index of the last subscene in the list


protected ViewportCollection[][] workLayers
Working list of the layers that are to be passed to the output


protected ViewportCollection[][] outputLayers
Final list of the layers that are to be passed to the output


protected int[] workLayerCounts
Working list of the counts of layers in each subscene


protected int[] outputLayerCounts
Final list of the counts of layers in each subscene


protected int lastOutputLayer
Index of the the next layer output


protected OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] validSceneParents
List of valid subscene parents as we process them


protected OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] outputSceneParents
List of valid subscene parents as we process them


protected GraphicsCullOutputDetails[] workCullList
List that is being used to fill values into


protected int lastOutputList
Index to the next output list in the validCullList


protected javax.vecmath.Matrix4f[] transformStack
A stack used to control the depth of the transform tree


protected int lastTxStack
Index to the next place to add items in the transformStack


protected EffectRenderable[] fogStack
A stack used to control the depth of the fog nodes down the tree


protected int lastFogStack
Index to the next place to add items in the fogStack


protected EffectRenderable[] lightList
The list of lights nodes currently valid while traversing.


protected float[][] lightTxList
The list of light transforms currently valid while traversing


protected int lastLight
Index to the next place to add items in the lightList


protected EffectRenderable[] clipList
The list of clip plane nodes currently valid while traversing.


protected float[][] clipTxList
The list of clip transforms currently valid while traversing


protected int lastClip
Index to the next place to add items in the clipList


protected OverrideRenderable[] appearanceStack
A stack used to control the appearance override nodes down the tree


protected int lastAppearanceStack
Index to the next place to add items in the fogStack


protected org.j3d.util.HashSet processedPBufferTextures
Collection of offscreen textures we've found this frame


protected OffscreenCullable activeParent
The active parent scene of the scene we are processing. If we are processing the top level scene then this will be null


protected java.util.ArrayList<Cullable> currentViewpointPath
Path to the current viewpoint


protected javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewMatrix1
Matrix used for pre-computing the view stack


protected javax.vecmath.Matrix4f viewMatrix2
Matrix used for pre-computing the view stack


protected javax.vecmath.Matrix4f orientationMatrix
Rotation matrix for the orientation provided by user


protected float[] screenOrientation
Storage variable for the screen orientation values


protected float[] eyePoint
Storage variable for the eye offset values


protected boolean useOrientation
Flag to say explicit screen orientation values have been provided


protected boolean useEyePoint
Flag to say explicit eyepoint values have been provided


protected boolean terminate
Flag indicating a shutdown of the current processing is requested


protected LayerCullable[] layersTmp
Temporary variable for fetching layers from sub scenes


protected org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils matrixUtils
Matrix utility code for doing inversions


protected org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter errorReporter
Local reporter to put errors in

Constructor Detail


public BaseCullStage(int numSurfaces)
Create a basic instance of this class with the list initial internal setup for the given number of renderable surfaces. The size is just an initial esstimate, and is used for optimisation purposes to prevent frequent array reallocations internally. As such, the number does not have to be perfect, just good enough.

numSurfaces - Total number of surfaces to prepare rendering for
Method Detail


public void cull(RenderableRequestData otherData,
                 ProfilingData profilingData,
                 LayerCullable[] layers,
                 int numLayers)
Update and cull the scenegraph defined by a set of layers. This generates an ordered list of nodes to render. It will not return until the culling is complete.

Specified by:
cull in interface CullStage
otherData - data to be passed along unprocessed
profilingData - The timing and load data on each stage
layers - The collection of layers, in order, to render
numLayers - The number of valid layers to use


public void setCulledGeometryReceiver(CulledGeometryReceiver sgr)
Register a reciever for the output of the sorter. If the value is null, it will clear the currently set receiver.

Specified by:
setCulledGeometryReceiver in interface GraphicsCullStage
sgr - The receiver instance to add or null


public void setOffscreenCheckEnabled(boolean state)
Set the flag for whether to check for offscreen textures or not. By default, this flag is set to true.

Specified by:
setOffscreenCheckEnabled in interface GraphicsCullStage
state - true if offscreen textures should be looked for


public boolean isOffscreenCheckEnabled()
Find out what the current offscreen check state is.

Specified by:
isOffscreenCheckEnabled in interface GraphicsCullStage
true if the checking is being performed


public void setEyePointOffset(float x,
                              float y,
                              float z)
Set the eyepoint offset from the centre position. This is used to model offset view frustums, such as multiple displays or a powerwall. This method will be called with the appropriate values from the RenderPipeline that this culler is inserted into.

Specified by:
setEyePointOffset in interface GraphicsCullStage
x - The x axis offset
y - The y axis offset
z - The z axis offset


public void setScreenOrientation(float x,
                                 float y,
                                 float z,
                                 float a)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the orientation of this screen relative to the user's normal view direction. The normal orientation of the screen is along the negative Z axis. This method provides and axis-angle reorientation of that direction to one that is facing the screen. Typically this will just involve a rotation around the Y axis of some amount (45 and 90 deg being the most common used in walls and caves). This method will be called with the appropriate values from the RenderPipeline that this culler is inserted into.

Specified by:
setScreenOrientation in interface GraphicsCullStage
x - The x axis component
y - The y axis component
z - The z axis component
a - The angle to rotate around the axis in radians
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The length of the axis is zero


public void halt()
Force a halt of the current processing. Any processing in progress should exit immediately. Used to abort the current scene processing due to application shutdown or complete scene replacement.

Specified by:
halt in interface CullStage


public void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion. Setting a value of null will clear the currently set reporter. If one is already set, the new value replaces the old.

Specified by:
setErrorReporter in interface CullStage
reporter - The instance to use or null


protected abstract void cullScene(RenderPassCullable scene,
                                  int subsceneId,
                                  int layerId,
                                  int viewIndex,
                                  int layerIndex)
Update and cull the scenegraph. This generates an ordered list of nodes to render. It will not return until the culling is complete.

scene - The scene instance to cull
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection
layerIndex - The index of the layer within the viewport


protected abstract void cullScene2D(RenderPassCullable scene,
                                    int subsceneId,
                                    int layerId,
                                    int viewIndex,
                                    int layerIndex)
Update and cull a 2D scenegraph. This generates an ordered list of nodes to render. It will not return until the culling is complete.

scene - The scene instance to cull
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection
layerIndex - The index of the layer within the viewport


protected abstract void cullRenderPass(RenderPassCullable pass,
                                       int passNumber,
                                       int subsceneId,
                                       int layerId,
                                       int viewIndex,
                                       int layerIndex)
Update and cull the a single pass from a multipass rendering. This generates an ordered list of nodes to render in the same was as a normal scene, but with fewer items updated, such as only a single background for all passes. It will not return until the culling is complete.

pass - The rendering pass instance to cull
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection
layerIndex - The index of the layer within the viewport


protected void processLayer(LayerCullable layer,
                            int subsceneId,
                            int layerId)
Process the layers of a pbuffer texture source.

subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output


protected void cullViewport(ViewportCullable view,
                            int subsceneId,
                            int layerId,
                            int viewIndex)
Process a single viewport for culling.

view - The viewport instance to process now
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection


protected void cullSingleViewportLayer(SceneCullable scene,
                                       int subsceneId,
                                       int layerId,
                                       int viewIndex,
                                       int layerIndex)
Cull through a multipass viewport layer.

scene - The scene instance to process
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection
layerIndex - The index of the layer within the viewport


protected void cullMultipassViewportLayer(SceneCullable scene,
                                          int subsceneId,
                                          int layerId,
                                          int viewIndex,
                                          int layerIndex)
Cull through a multipass viewport layer.

scene - The scene instance to process
subsceneId - The index of the subscene in the viewport output
layerId - The index of the layer in the output
viewIndex - The index of the viewport in the parent ViewportCollection
layerIndex - The index of the layer within the viewport


protected void fillSingleEnvData(SceneCullable scene,
                                 GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.

scene - The scene to take data from
envData - Data instance to copy it to


protected void fill2DEnvData(SceneCullable scene,
                             GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
Take a 2D scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.

scene - The scene to take data from
envData - Data instance to copy it to


protected void fillMultipassEnvData(SceneCullable scene,
                                    GraphicsEnvironmentData envData)
Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.

scene - The scene to take data from
envData - Data instance to copy it to


protected void fillRenderPassEnvData(RenderPassCullable pass,
                                     GraphicsEnvironmentData envData,
                                     BufferDetails bufferData)
Take a simple scene and fill in a GraphicsEnvironmentData instance.

pass - The render pass to take data from
envData - Data instance to copy it to
bufferData - The object to copy the extra buffer state to


protected void checkForOffscreens(ShapeRenderable shape)
Check a shape node for the offscreen textures that may be present. If some are found, queue them up for processing.

shape - The object instance to process


protected void cleanupOldRefs()
Clean up the unused resources after the end of the cull process. This releases any references that are no longer needed, and may have been kept from the previous culling pass. This method is called just before the output is sent on to the sorting stage.

This base implementation cleans up the workLayers list. Derived classes that override this method for their own needs should also make sure to call this method too.


protected final void resizeCullList(int cur_size)
Resize the list if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeOutputLists()
Resize the list if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeOffscreenList()
Resize the list if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeLightList()
Resize the list if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeClipList()
Resize the list if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeStack()
Resize the transform stack if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeFogStack()
Resize the fog stack if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


protected final void resizeAppearanceStack()
Resize the appearance stack if needed. Marked as final in order to encourage the compiler to inline the code for faster execution


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