Aviatrix3D 2.1.0 |
Packages that use InvalidWriteTimingException | |
org.j3d.aviatrix3d | A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. |
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.management | Interfaces and classes that provide the high level management of the integration between the scene graph and rendering pipeline. |
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom | High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with. |
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume | Volume rendering extensions to the Aviatrix3D scene graph. |
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes | Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. |
Uses of InvalidWriteTimingException in org.j3d.aviatrix3d |
Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
void |
Group.addChild(Node newChild)
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children |
void |
BaseGroup.addChild(Node newChild)
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children |
void |
Group2D.addChild(Node2D newChild)
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children |
void |
ObjectSet.addChild(SceneGraphObject newChild)
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children |
void |
MultipassScene.addRenderPass(RenderPass pass)
Add a new pass to the end of the current rendering list. |
void |
ShaderProgram.addShaderObject(ShaderObject obj)
Add a shader object to this program. |
void |
ShapeBackground.addShape(Shape3D shape)
Add a shape to be rendered to the end of the listing. |
void |
CompositeLayer.addViewport(Viewport vp)
Add a new viewport to be used by this layer. |
void |
CompositeLayer2D.addViewport(Viewport2D vp)
Add a new viewport to be used by this layer. |
void |
CompositeViewport.addViewportLayer(ViewportLayer vp)
Add a new layer to be used by this layer. |
void |
TexCoordGeneration.applyTransform(float[] transformMtx)
Apply transformation to the texture generation |
void |
ShaderProgram.bindAttributeName(java.lang.String name,
int index)
Bind the given attribute name to a specific index. |
protected void |
OffscreenTexture2D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node. |
protected void |
MRTOffscreenTexture2D.checkForCyclicChild(SceneGraphObject parent)
Check to see if this node is the same reference as the passed node that is a parent of this node. |
void |
TexCoordGeneration.clearParameter(int axis)
Clear the parameter settings for a specific axis. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.enableBlending(boolean test)
Set the flag for whether the blending should be enabled or disabled. |
void |
DepthBufferState.enableDepthTest(boolean test)
Set the flag for whether the depth testing should be enabled or disabled. |
void |
DepthAttributes.enableDepthTest(boolean test)
Set the flag for whether the depth testing should be enabled or disabled. |
void |
DepthBufferState.enableDepthWrite(boolean write)
Set the flag for whether the depth writing should be enabled or disabled. |
void |
DepthAttributes.enableDepthWrite(boolean write)
Set the flag for whether the depth writing should be enabled or disabled. |
void |
CompositeLayer2D.insertViewport(Viewport2D vp,
int index)
Add a new viewport to be used by this layer at a specified position in the array of viewpor. |
void |
CompositeLayer.insertViewport(Viewport vp,
int index)
Add a new viewport to be used by this layer at a specified position in the array of viewpor. |
void |
CompositeViewport.insertViewportLayer(ViewportLayer vp,
int index)
Add a new layer to be used by this layer at a specified position in the array of layer. |
void |
Request that the shader link at the next available oppourtunity. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Set this layer to be the currently active sound layer. |
void |
Pause a sound playing. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
SwitchGroup.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
ObjectSet.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
Group2D.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
Group.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
BaseGroup.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
Group.removeChild(Node child)
Removes the specified child from the group. |
void |
BaseGroup.removeChild(Node child)
Removes the specified child from the group. |
void |
Group2D.removeChild(Node2D child)
Removes the specified child from the group. |
void |
ObjectSet.removeChild(SceneGraphObject child)
Removes the specified child from the group. |
void |
MultipassScene.removeRenderPass(int passNumber)
Remove the render pass at the given index. |
void |
ShaderProgram.removeShaderObject(ShaderObject obj)
Remove the shader object from this program. |
void |
ShaderArguments.removeUniform(java.lang.String name)
Remove the given uniform name from the settable argument list. |
void |
Request that the shader fetch the last run log of this program. |
void |
Request that the shader fetch the last run log of this program. |
void |
ShaderProgram.requestLinkConfirmation(boolean enable)
Have the class confirm whether or not the source successfully compiled. |
void |
AccumulationBufferState.setAccumFunction(int func)
Set the operation that should be performed when accumulating colour values into the accumulation buffer. |
void |
RenderPass.setAccumulationBufferState(AccumulationBufferState state)
Set the accumulation buffer state that should be applied to the during this pass. |
void |
SimpleScene.setActiveBackground(Background bg)
Set the background path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
Scene2D.setActiveBackground(Background bg)
Set the background path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
MultipassScene.setActiveBackground(Background bg)
Set the background path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
SwitchGroup.setActiveChild(int idx)
Set the selected child to be rendered to the given index. |
void |
SimpleScene.setActiveFog(Fog fog)
Set the fog that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
SimpleScene.setActiveView(Viewpoint vp)
Set the viewpoint path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
Scene2D.setActiveView(Viewpoint vp)
Set the viewpoint path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
RenderPass.setActiveView(Viewpoint vp)
Set the viewpoint path that should be applied to the current surface. |
void |
Appearance.setAlphaAttributes(AlphaAttributes attr)
Set the alpha rendering attributes to use. |
void |
AlphaAttributes.setAlphaCutoff(float value)
Set the cutoff value for alpha blending. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.setAlphaDestinationBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the destination blend factor to use. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setAlphaDestinationBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the destination blend factor to use. |
void |
AlphaAttributes.setAlphaFunction(int func)
Set the determines whether the alpha tests passes. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.setAlphaSourceBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the source blend factor to use. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setAlphaSourceBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the source blend factor to use. |
void |
Material.setAmbientColor(float[] col)
Set the ambient color to the new value for the front-face and combined values. |
void |
Light.setAmbientColor(float[] col)
Set the ambient colour to the new value. |
void |
Texture.setAnisotropicFilterDegree(float degree)
Set the anisotropic filtering degree. |
void |
Texture.setAnisotropicFilterMode(int mode)
Set the aniostropic filtering mode. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setAntiAliased(boolean state)
Set the antialiased flag state. |
void |
PointAttributes.setAntiAliased(boolean state)
Set the antialiased flag state. |
void |
LineAttributes.setAntiAliased(boolean state)
Set the antialiased flag state. |
void |
Shape3D.setAppearance(Appearance newApp)
Set the appearance for this shape. |
void |
AppearanceOverride.setAppearance(Appearance newApp)
Set the appearance for this shape. |
void |
SpotLight.setAttenuation(float[] values)
Set the attenuation factors for the light. |
void |
PointLight.setAttenuation(float[] values)
Set the attenuation factors for the light. |
void |
SpotLight.setAttenuation(float constant,
float linear,
float quad)
Set the attenuation factors for the light. |
void |
PointLight.setAttenuation(float constant,
float linear,
float quad)
Set the attenuation factors for the light. |
void |
PointAttributes.setAttenuationFactors(float a,
float b,
float c)
Set the blend colour to use for this texture. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
byte[] attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
double[] attribs,
boolean normalise)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
float[] attribs,
boolean normalise)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
int[] attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
short[] attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
Material.setBackAmbientColor(float[] col)
Set the ambient color to the new value for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackColorMaterialTarget(int target)
Set the amount of colorTarget to be used for this material for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackDiffuseColor(float[] col)
Set the diffuse color to the new value for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackEmissiveColor(float[] col)
Set the emissive color to the new value for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackShininess(float s)
Set the shininess factor for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackSpecularColor(float[] col)
Set the specular color to the new value for the back face value. |
void |
Material.setBackTransparency(float transparency)
Set the amount of transparency to be used for this material for the back face value. |
void |
ImageRaster.setBits(byte[] pixels)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents. |
void |
ByteRaster.setBits(byte[] pixels)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents. |
void |
BitmapRaster.setBits(byte[] bitmask)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents. |
void |
BitmapRaster.setBits(byte[] bitmask,
int width,
int height)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents and change the size of the raster at the same time. |
void |
ImageRaster.setBits(byte[] pixels,
int width,
int height,
int format)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents and change the size of the raster at the same time. |
void |
ByteRaster.setBits(byte[] pixels,
int width,
int height,
int format)
Set the pixel data for the bitmap contents and change the size of the raster at the same time. |
void |
Appearance.setBlendAttributes(BlendAttributes attr)
Set the blend rendering attributes to use. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setBlendColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Set the blend colour to use for this texture. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setBlendColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Set the blend colour to use for this texture. |
void |
Texture.setBorderColor(float[] col)
Set the border color to the new value for the front-face and combined values. |
void |
Texture3D.setBoundaryModeR(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the T parameter. |
void |
Texture.setBoundaryModeS(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the S parameter. |
void |
TextureCubicEnvironmentMap.setBoundaryModeT(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the S parameter. |
void |
Texture3D.setBoundaryModeT(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the T parameter. |
void |
Texture2D.setBoundaryModeT(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the T parameter. |
void |
OffscreenTexture2D.setBoundaryModeT(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the T parameter. |
void |
MRTTexture2D.setBoundaryModeT(int mode)
Set the boundary handling for the T parameter. |
void |
Raster.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
Set the bounds to the given explicit value. |
void |
Geometry.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
Set the bounds to the given explicit value. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setCCW(boolean state)
Set the CCW flag. |
void |
Group2D.setChild(Node2D newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
SwitchGroup.setChild(Node newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
Group.setChild(Node newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
BaseGroup.setChild(Node newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
ObjectSet.setChild(SceneGraphObject newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setClearBufferState(boolean clear)
Set the flag for whether the buffer state should be cleared when this state object is executed. |
void |
DepthBufferState.setClearBufferState(boolean clear)
Set the flag for whether the buffer state should be cleared when this state object is executed. |
void |
ColorBufferState.setClearBufferState(boolean clear)
Set the flag for whether the buffer state should be cleared when this state object is executed. |
void |
AccumulationBufferState.setClearBufferState(boolean clear)
Set the flag for whether the buffer state should be cleared when this state object is executed. |
void |
OffscreenTexture2D.setClearColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setClearColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Deprecated. Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step. |
void |
MRTOffscreenTexture2D.setClearColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step. |
void |
ColorBufferState.setClearColor(float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha)
Set the value that each of the colour channels should be cleared to. |
void |
AccumulationBufferState.setClearColor(float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha)
Set the value that each of the colour channels should be cleared to. |
void |
DepthBufferState.setClearDepth(float depth)
Set depth value that the buffer should be cleared to. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setClearMask(int mask)
Set the bitmask used during the clear of the buffer. |
void |
SphereBackground.setColor(float[] c)
Change the colour to the new colour. |
void |
Fog.setColor(float[] c)
Change the fog colour to the new colour. |
void |
Background.setColor(float[] c)
Change the colour to the new colour. |
void |
SphereBackground.setColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Change the colour to the new colour. |
void |
Background.setColor(float r,
float g,
float b,
float a)
Change the colour to the new colour. |
void |
RenderPass.setColorBufferState(ColorBufferState state)
Set the color buffer state that should be applied to the during this pass. |
void |
Background.setColorClearEnabled(boolean state)
Enable or disable the clearing of the colour buffer before drawing the background contents. |
void |
ColorBufferState.setColorMask(boolean red,
boolean green,
boolean blue,
boolean alpha)
Set the flags describing which channels should be enabled in the colour buffer. |
void |
Material.setColorMaterialEnabled(boolean state)
Set the flag that enables or disables color material lighting effects on any geometry using this material. |
void |
Material.setColorMaterialTarget(int target)
Set the amount of colorTarget to be used for this material for the front or combined faces. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setColors(boolean hasAlpha,
float[] colors)
Set the color array reference to the new array. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setCombineMode(boolean alpha,
int mode)
Set the combine mode for the alpha or RGB side. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setCombineOperand(boolean alpha,
int opIdx,
int function)
Set the operand to use for alpha or RGB combine mode. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setCombineScale(boolean alpha,
float scale)
Set the combine scale factor. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setCombineSource(boolean alpha,
int opIdx,
int source)
Set the combine source type for alpha or RGB combine mode. |
void |
Texture.setCompareFunction(int func)
Set the texture comparison function. |
void |
Texture.setCompareMode(int mode)
Set the texture comparison mode. |
void |
TextureCubicEnvironmentMap.setCopyOffset(int imgNum,
int level,
int xoffset,
int yoffset)
Set the offsets in this texture to use for update the sub image update values. |
void |
Texture2D.setCopyOffset(int imgNum,
int level,
int xoffset,
int yoffset)
Set the offsets in this texture to use for update the sub image update values. |
void |
MultipassTextureDestination.setCopyOffset(int imgNum,
int level,
int xoffset,
int yoffset)
Deprecated. Set the offsets in this texture to use for update the sub image update values. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setCulledFace(int face)
Set which face is to be culled. |
void |
SpotLight.setCutOffAngle(float angle)
Set the cut-off angle. |
void |
Fog.setDensityRate(float rate)
Set the exponential decay factor. |
void |
Appearance.setDepthAttributes(DepthAttributes attr)
Set the depth buffer attributes to use. |
void |
RenderPass.setDepthBufferState(DepthBufferState state)
Set the depth buffer state that should be applied to the during this pass. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setDepthFailOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil test passes but the depth test fails. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setDepthFailOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil test passes but the depth test fails. |
void |
Texture.setDepthFormat(int format)
Set the format for the depth texture to be applied to an object. |
void |
DepthBufferState.setDepthFunction(int func)
Set the operation that should be performed if the depth tests pass. |
void |
DepthAttributes.setDepthFunction(int func)
Set the operation that should be performed if the depth tests pass. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setDepthPassOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil and depth tests pass. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setDepthPassOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil and depth tests pass. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.setDestinationBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the destination blend factor to use. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setDestinationBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the destination blend factor to use. |
void |
Material.setDiffuseColor(float[] col)
Set the diffuse color to the new value for the front and combined faces. |
void |
Light.setDiffuseColor(float[] col)
Set the diffuse colour component to the new value. |
void |
Viewport2D.setDimensions(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Set the dimensions of the viewport in pixels. |
void |
Viewport.setDimensions(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Set the dimensions of the viewport in pixels. |
void |
SimpleViewport.setDimensions(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Set the dimensions of the viewport in pixels. |
void |
MultipassViewport.setDimensions(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Set the dimensions of the viewport in pixels. |
void |
CompositeViewport.setDimensions(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Set the dimensions of the viewport in pixels. |
void |
SpotLight.setDirection(float[] dir)
Set the direction to the new value. |
void |
DirectionalLight.setDirection(float[] dir)
Set the direction to the new value. |
void |
SpotLight.setDirection(float x,
float y,
float z)
Set the direction to the new value. |
void |
DirectionalLight.setDirection(float x,
float y,
float z)
Set the direction to the new value. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setDrawMode(boolean front,
int mode)
Set the draw mode for either the front or back face. |
void |
SpotLight.setDropOffRateExponent(float exp)
Set the value of the exponent that can be used to control how the light intensity drops off from the center to the cut off angle. |
void |
TriangleArray.setEdgeFlags(boolean[] flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
QuadArray.setEdgeFlags(boolean[] flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
IndexedTriangleArray.setEdgeFlags(boolean[] flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
IndexedQuadArray.setEdgeFlags(boolean[] flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
Light.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light. |
void |
Fog.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light. |
void |
ClipPlane.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light. |
void |
Material.setEmissiveColor(float[] col)
Set the emissive color to the new value for the front-face and combined values. |
void |
Sound.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of the light. |
void |
RenderPass.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of the light. |
void |
Light.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of the light. |
void |
Fog.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of the light. |
void |
ClipPlane.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of the light. |
void |
AppearanceOverride.setEnabled(boolean state)
Set the enabled state of this override. |
void |
VertexShader.setEnvironmentParam(int idx,
float[] value)
Set the environment parameter as a float array. |
void |
PointAttributes.setFadeThresholdSize(float size)
Set the minimum threshold size in pixels for when multisampling is enabled. |
void |
TriangleFanArray.setFanCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid fans to use. |
void |
IndexedTriangleFanArray.setFanCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid fans to use. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setFlatShaded(boolean state)
Set the shading style to use either flat or smooth shading. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setFogCoordinates(float[] coords)
Set the fog coordinate reference to the new array. |
void |
GL14Shader.setFragmentShader(FragmentShader shader)
Set the fragment shader to use. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setFunctionCompareMask(int mask)
Set the bitmask used for the stencil comparison operation. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setFunctionCompareMask(int mask)
Set the bitmask used for the stencil comparison operation. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setFunctionReferenceValue(int value)
Set the reference value used for the stencil comparison operation. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setFunctionReferenceValue(int value)
Set the reference value used for the stencil comparison operation. |
void |
RenderPass.setGeneralBufferState(GeneralBufferState state)
Set the general buffer state that should be applied to the during this pass. |
void |
Texture.setGenerateMipMap(boolean generate)
Set the generateMipMap state. |
void |
Texture.setGenerateMipMapHint(int hint)
Set the generateMipMapHint value. |
void |
Shape3D.setGeometry(Geometry newGeom)
Set the geometry for this shape. |
void |
Viewpoint.setGlobalAmbientColor(float[] col)
Set the ambient colour to the new value. |
void |
Viewpoint.setGlobalAmbientLightEnabled(boolean state)
Turn the global ambient lighting setting on or off. |
void |
Light.setGlobalOnly(boolean state)
Set the global scope state of the light. |
void |
Fog.setGlobalOnly(boolean enable)
Set whether the fog should act in local or global mode. |
void |
ClipPlane.setGlobalOnly(boolean state)
Set the global scope state of the light. |
void |
Viewpoint.setHeadlightEnabled(boolean state)
Turn the local headlight on/off. |
void |
Viewpoint.setHeadlightType(boolean state)
Change the style of the headlight between directional and spot types. |
void |
IndexedVertexGeometry.setIndices(int[] indexList,
int num)
Set the number of valid indexs to use. |
void |
PBufferTextureSource.setLayers(Layer[] layers,
int numLayers)
Deprecated. Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
OffscreenTexture2D.setLayers(Layer[] layers,
int numLayers)
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
MRTOffscreenTexture2D.setLayers(Layer[] layers,
int numLayers)
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
Material.setLightingEnabled(boolean state)
Set the flag that enables or disables lighting on any geometry using this material. |
void |
Fog.setLinearDistance(float start,
float end)
Set the distance functions for the fog when in linear mode. |
void |
Appearance.setLineAttributes(LineAttributes attr)
Set the line rendering attributes to use. |
void |
LineAttributes.setLineWidth(float size)
Set the size in pixels of the line size. |
void |
AppearanceOverride.setLocalAppearanceOnly(boolean state)
Set the override function to determine whether we should override also include any missing appearance options that are defined in leaf Appearance nodes on the Shape nodes. |
void |
VertexShader.setLocalParam(int idx,
float[] value)
Set the local parameter as a float array. |
void |
Texture.setMagFilter(int mode)
Set the magnification filtering mode. |
void |
Appearance.setMaterial(Material mat)
Set the material to use. |
void |
PointAttributes.setMaxPointSize(float size)
Set the size in pixels of the point size. |
void |
DepthBufferState.setMaxRange(float depth)
Set maximum depth value that is acceptable to be rendered. |
void |
DepthAttributes.setMaxRange(float depth)
Set maximum depth value that is acceptable to be rendered. |
void |
Texture.setMinFilter(int mode)
Set the magnification filtering mode. |
void |
PointAttributes.setMinPointSize(float size)
Set the size in pixels of the point size. |
void |
DepthBufferState.setMinRange(float depth)
Set minimum depth value that is acceptable to be rendered. |
void |
DepthAttributes.setMinRange(float depth)
Set minimum depth value that is acceptable to be rendered. |
void |
Fog.setMode(int type)
Set the type of fog to be rendered. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setNormals(float[] normals)
Set the normal array reference to the new array. |
void |
MultipassTextureSource.setNumLevels(int numLevels)
Deprecated. Set the number of levels of mipmap generation that should be rendered. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setNumLevels(int numLevels)
Deprecated. Set the number of levels of mipmap generation that should be rendered. |
void |
BitmapRaster.setOrigin(float x,
float y)
Set the origin offset of the bitmap to be used when rendering. |
void |
AppearanceOverride.setOverrideLower(boolean state)
Set the override function to determine whether we should override lower appearances or not. |
void |
TexCoordGeneration.setParameter(int axis,
int mode,
int parameter,
float[] value)
Setup one of the axis parameters. |
void |
TexCoordGeneration.setParameter(int axis,
int mode,
int parameter,
int texgeparam,
float[] value)
Setup one of the axis parameters |
void |
ClipPlane.setPlaneEquation(double[] eq)
Set the plane equation to the new value. |
void |
Appearance.setPointAttributes(PointAttributes attr)
Set the point rendering attributes to use. |
void |
PointAttributes.setPointSize(float size)
Set the size in pixels of the point size. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setPointSpriteCoordEnabled(boolean state)
Set the point sprite coordinate enabled flag. |
void |
PointAttributes.setPointSpriteEnabled(boolean state)
Set the point sprite enabled flag. |
void |
Appearance.setPolygonAttributes(PolygonAttributes attr)
Set the polygon rendering attributes to use. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setPolygonOffset(float factor,
float units)
Set the polygon offset details. |
void |
SpotLight.setPosition(float[] pos)
Set the position to the new value. |
void |
PointLight.setPosition(float[] pos)
Set the position to the new value. |
void |
SpotLight.setPosition(float x,
float y,
float z)
Set the position to the new value. |
void |
PointLight.setPosition(float x,
float y,
float z)
Set the position to the new value. |
void |
Texture.setPriority(float pri)
Set the texture priority value. |
void |
GL14ShaderProgram.setProgramString(java.lang.String str)
Set the program string that is to be registered by this shader. |
void |
Pixmap.setRaster(Raster raster)
Set the pixel data for this pixmap. |
void |
TextureCubicEnvironmentMap.setReadBuffer(int imgNum,
int buffer)
Set the buffer that this texture should read it's input from during the update callback. |
void |
Texture2D.setReadBuffer(int imgNum,
int buffer)
Set the buffer that this texture should read it's input from during the update callback. |
void |
MultipassTextureDestination.setReadBuffer(int imgNum,
int buffer)
Deprecated. Set the buffer that this texture should read it's input from during the update callback. |
void |
SimpleScene.setRenderedGeometry(Group geom)
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
Scene2D.setRenderedGeometry(Group geom)
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
RenderPass.setRenderedGeometry(Group geom)
Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
Scene.setRenderEffectsProcessor(RenderEffectsProcessor prc)
Register the scene processor to be used for this scene for pre and post rendering effects. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setRenderObserver(MultipassRenderObserver obs)
Deprecated. Set the observer instance to be associated with the texture source. |
void |
MultipassScene.setRenderPass(int passNumber,
RenderPass pass)
Replace the render pass at the given index with a different pass representation. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setRepaintRequired(boolean enable)
Deprecated. Set this texture as requiring a repaint for the next frame. |
void |
MultipassViewportLayer.setScene(MultipassScene sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this layer. |
void |
MultipassViewport.setScene(MultipassScene sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this viewport. |
void |
ViewportLayer2D.setScene(Scene2D sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this layer. |
void |
Viewport2D.setScene(Scene2D sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this viewport. |
void |
SimpleViewportLayer.setScene(SimpleScene sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this layer. |
void |
SimpleViewport.setScene(SimpleScene sc)
Set a new scene instance to be used by this viewport. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setSecondaryColors(float[] colors)
Set the secondary color reference to the new array. |
void |
Material.setSeparateBackfaceEnabled(boolean state)
Set the flag that enables or disables separate material lighting values on any geometry using this material. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.setSeparatedBlendFactors(boolean state)
Instruct the system whether to use separated RGB and Alpha blending functions. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setSeparatedBlendFactors(boolean state)
Instruct the system whether to use separated RGB and Alpha blending functions. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setSeparateSpecular(boolean state)
Set the separated specular lighting flag. |
void |
Material.setSeparateTransparencyEnabled(boolean state)
Set the flag that enables or disables separate transparency handling from the color material values. |
void |
Appearance.setShader(Shader s)
Set the shader to use. |
void |
GLSLangShader.setShaderArguments(ShaderArguments arg)
Set the shader arguments to be used on this object. |
void |
GLSLangShader.setShaderProgram(ShaderProgram prog)
Set the shader program to be used on this object. |
void |
Material.setShininess(float s)
Set the shininess factor for the front or combined faces. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setSingleColor(boolean hasAlpha,
float[] color)
Set a single color value to be used by all the vertices. |
void |
GeneralBufferState.setSourceBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the source blend factor to use. |
void |
BlendAttributes.setSourceBlendFactor(int factor)
Set the source blend factor to use. |
void |
TextureCubicEnvironmentMap.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set a new collection of sources for this texture to use. |
void |
Texture3D.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set a new collection of sources for this texture to use. |
void |
Texture2D.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set a new collection of sources for this texture to use. |
void |
Texture.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set a new collection of sources for this texture to use. |
void |
OffscreenTexture2D.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set the images for this texture, overridden to provide an empty implementation as this is handled by the pBuffer directly. |
void |
MRTTexture2D.setSources(int mipMapMode,
int format,
TextureSource[] texSources,
int num)
Set the images for this texture, overridden to provide an empty implementation as this is handled by the FBO directly. |
void |
ShaderObject.setSourceStrings(java.lang.String[] str,
int numValid)
Set the program string that is to be registered by this shader. |
void |
Material.setSpecularColor(float[] col)
Set the specular color to the new value for the front-face and combined values. |
void |
Light.setSpecularColor(float[] col)
Set the colour to the new value. |
void |
Appearance.setStencilAttributes(StencilAttributes attr)
Set the stencil buffer attributes to use. |
void |
RenderPass.setStencilBufferState(StencilBufferState state)
Set the stencil buffer state that should be applied to the during this pass. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setStencilFailOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil test fails. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setStencilFailOperation(int op)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil test fails. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setStencilFunction(int func)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil and depth tests pass. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setStencilFunction(int func)
Set the operation that should be performed if the stencil and depth tests pass. |
void |
StencilBufferState.setStencilWriteMask(int mask)
Set the bitmask used for the stencil write operation. |
void |
StencilAttributes.setStencilWriteMask(int mask)
Set the bitmask used for the stencil write operation. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setStipplePattern(byte[] pattern)
Set the stipple mask to be used on the polygon. |
void |
LineAttributes.setStipplePattern(short pattern)
Set the stipple pattern to be used on the line. |
void |
LineAttributes.setStippleScaleFactor(int scale)
Set the scale to be applied to the pattern. |
void |
TriangleStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
QuadStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
LineStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedTriangleStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedQuadStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedLineStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
TextureUnit.setTexCoordGeneration(TexCoordGeneration tcg)
Set the texture coordinate generation for this stage. |
void |
BoxBackground.setTexture(int side,
TextureComponent2D srcImage)
Set the image source to be used for the background. |
void |
TextureUnit.setTexture(Texture tex)
Set the texture for this stage. |
void |
SphereBackground.setTexture(TextureComponent2D srcImage)
Set the image source to be used for the background. |
void |
TextureUnit.setTextureAttributes(TextureAttributes attrs)
Set the texture attributes for this stage. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int[] types,
float[][] texCoords)
Replace all the texture array reference with the new array. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int[] types,
float[][] texCoords,
int numSets)
Replace all the texture array reference to the new array. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int type,
int textureSet,
float[] texCoords)
Set a single texture array reference to the new array. |
void |
TextureAttributes.setTextureMode(int mode)
Set the texture mode. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setTextureSetMap(int[] set)
Set the texture set map to the new mapping. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setTextureSetMap(int[] set,
int numValid)
Set the texture set map to the new mapping. |
void |
TextureUnit.setTextureTransform(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f mat)
Set the current texture transform matrix. |
void |
Appearance.setTextureUnits(TextureUnit[] texUnits,
int num)
Set the texture units to use. |
void |
TransformGroup.setTransform(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f trans)
Set the transform matrix for this class. |
void |
PixelTransform.setTranslation(int[] translation)
Set the pixel translation for this transform. |
void |
Material.setTransparency(float transparency)
Set the amount of transparency to be used for this material for the front or combined faces. |
void |
PolygonAttributes.setTwoSidedLighting(boolean state)
Set the two-sided lighting flag. |
void |
ShaderArguments.setUniform(java.lang.String name,
int size,
float[] data,
int count)
Set the value of an float array uniform variable. |
void |
ShaderArguments.setUniform(java.lang.String name,
int size,
int[] data,
int count)
Set the value of an int array uniform variable. |
void |
ShaderArguments.setUniformMatrix(java.lang.String name,
int size,
float[] data,
int count,
boolean columnMajor)
Set the value of an matrix uniform variable. |
void |
ShaderArguments.setUniformSampler(java.lang.String name,
int textureUnitId)
Convenience method to set the uniform name as a sampler for the given texture unit number. |
void |
Texture.setUpdateStrategy(int strategy)
Set the update strategy in use for working with sub image updates of the components. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setUsedBuffers(int buffers)
Deprecated. Set the list of buffers that this source needs to write to. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
TriangleArray.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
QuadArray.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
PointArray.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
LineArray.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
AccumulationBufferState.setValue(float val)
Set the value that accompanies some of the operation types. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setVBOEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set whether Vertex Buffer Objects are used. |
void |
IndexedVertexGeometry.setVBOEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set whether Vertex Buffer Objects are used. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setVBOHint(int hint)
Set how VBO's are optimized on the graphics card. |
void |
GL14Shader.setVertexShader(VertexShader shader)
Set the vertexShader to use. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
VertexGeometry.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
TriangleArray.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
QuadArray.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
PointArray.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
LineArray.setVertices(int type,
float[] vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
SimpleLayer.setViewport(Viewport vp)
Set a new viewport instance to be used by this layer. |
void |
SimpleLayer2D.setViewport(Viewport2D vp)
Set a new viewport instance to be used by this layer. |
void |
RenderPass.setViewportDimensions(int x,
int y,
int w,
int h)
Override the scene's viewport dimensions with a specific set for this pass only. |
void |
MultipassTextureComponent.setViewportLayer(ViewportLayer layer)
Deprecated. Set the collection of geometry that should be rendered to this texture. |
void |
PixelTransform.setZoom(float[] zoom)
Set the pixel zoom for this transform. |
void |
Start a sound playing. |
void |
Stop a sound playing. |
void |
ByteTextureComponent1D.updateSubImage(int destX,
int width,
int level,
byte[] img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
ByteTextureComponent2D.updateSubImage(int destX,
int destY,
int width,
int height,
int level,
byte[] img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
ByteTextureComponent3D.updateSubImage(int destX,
int destY,
int destZ,
int width,
int height,
int depth,
int level,
byte[] img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
ImageTextureComponent3D.updateSubImage(int srcX,
int srcY,
int destX,
int destY,
int destZ,
int width,
int height,
int depth,
int level,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage[] img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
ImageTextureComponent3D.updateSubImage(int srcX,
int srcY,
int destX,
int destY,
int destZ,
int width,
int height,
int level,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
ImageTextureComponent2D.updateSubImage(int srcX,
int srcY,
int destX,
int destY,
int width,
int height,
int level,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage img)
Update a sub-section of the image data with the new pixel values. |
void |
Request that the shader validate it's code at the next available oppourtunity. |
Constructors in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
VertexShader(int attrListSize,
int paramListSize)
Create a vertext shader instance with a guaranteed maximum parameter list size. |
Uses of InvalidWriteTimingException in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.management |
Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.management that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
void |
SingleDisplayCollection.setLayers(Layer[] layers,
int numLayers)
Set the set of layers for this manager. |
abstract void |
DisplayCollection.setLayers(Layer[] layers,
int numLayers)
Set the set of layers for this manager. |
Uses of InvalidWriteTimingException in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom |
Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
void |
Text2D.setHorizontal(boolean horizontal)
Change whether the text should be rendered vertically or horizontally. |
void |
Text2D.setHorizontalJustification(int justify)
Change the horizontal justification of the text. |
void |
Text2D.setLeftToRight(boolean leftToRight)
Change whether the text should be placing characters left to right or right to left. |
void |
Text2D.setSize(float size)
Change size multiplier of a single row of text. |
void |
Text2D.setSpacing(float spacing)
Change spacing multiplier between rows of text. |
void |
Text2D.setTopToBottom(boolean topToBottom)
Change whether the text should be placed from top to bottom or bottom to top. |
void |
Text2D.setVerticalJustification(int justify)
Change the vertical justification of the text. |
Uses of InvalidWriteTimingException in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume |
Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
void |
OctTree.setHighDetail(Node[] geom,
int numValid)
Set the low-detail geometry instance to use. |
void |
OctTree.setLowDetail(Node geom)
Set the low-detail geometry instance to use. |
void |
OctTree.setRange(float distance)
Set the range at which this geometry should change from low-detail to high-detail models. |
Uses of InvalidWriteTimingException in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes |
Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes that throw InvalidWriteTimingException | |
void |
LODGroup.addChild(Node newChild)
Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
Removes all children from the group. |
void |
MaskedSwitch.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
LODGroup.removeChild(int idx)
Remove the child at the specified index from the group. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
java.nio.ByteBuffer attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
java.nio.DoubleBuffer attribs,
boolean normalise)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
java.nio.FloatBuffer attribs,
boolean normalise)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
java.nio.IntBuffer attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setAttributes(int index,
int size,
java.nio.ShortBuffer attribs,
boolean normalise,
boolean signed)
Set the attribute values at the given index to a new value. |
void |
LODGroup.setCenter(float[] center)
Set the center that the LOD would use to determine distance from when using distance mode. |
void |
MaskedSwitch.setChild(Node newChild,
int idx)
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setColors(boolean hasAlpha,
java.nio.FloatBuffer colors)
Set the color array reference to the new array. |
void |
TriangleArray.setEdgeFlags(java.nio.ByteBuffer flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
QuadArray.setEdgeFlags(java.nio.ByteBuffer flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
IndexedTriangleArray.setEdgeFlags(java.nio.ByteBuffer flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
IndexedQuadArray.setEdgeFlags(java.nio.ByteBuffer flags)
Set the edge flag reference to the new array. |
void |
TriangleFanArray.setFanCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid fans to use. |
void |
IndexedTriangleFanArray.setFanCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid fans to use. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setFogCoordinates(java.nio.FloatBuffer coords)
Set the fog coordinate reference to the new array. |
void |
IndexedBufferGeometry.setIndices(int[] indexList,
int num)
Set the number of valid indexs to use. |
void |
MaskedSwitch.setMask(boolean[] mask)
Set the mask to change which objects are to be visible of all the children. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setNormals(java.nio.FloatBuffer normals)
Set the normal array reference to the new array. |
void |
LODGroup.setRange(int idx,
float value)
Set the range at the given child index. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setSecondaryColors(java.nio.FloatBuffer colors)
Set the secondary color reference to the new array. |
void |
TriangleStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
QuadStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
LineStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedTriangleStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedQuadStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
IndexedLineStripArray.setStripCount(int[] counts,
int num)
Set the number of valid strips to use. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int[] types,
java.nio.FloatBuffer[] texCoords)
Replace all the texture array reference with the new array. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int[] types,
java.nio.FloatBuffer[] texCoords,
int numSets)
Replace all the texture array reference to the new array. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(int type,
int textureSet,
java.nio.FloatBuffer texCoords)
Set a single texture array reference to the new array. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setTextureSetMap(int[] set)
Set the texture set map to the new mapping. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setTextureSetMap(int[] set,
int numValid)
Set the texture set map to the new mapping. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setValidVertexCount(int count)
Set the number of vertices to the new number. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setVertices(int type,
java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
void |
BufferGeometry.setVertices(int type,
java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices,
int numValid)
Set the vertex array reference to the new array. |
Aviatrix3D 2.1.0 |