
Interface MultipassRenderObserver

public interface MultipassRenderObserver

An observer and operator for working with multipass textures.

The observer is used to interact directly in a multipass rendering process. In multipass techniques, particularly those using the accumulation buffer, more than one pass through a specific set of data is used. This observer is used to allow application data to interact individually with each pass - for example to jitter the viewpoint for each pass.

This observer is not always required for multipass texture rendering. If it is not provided, then a single pass is rendered. You only need to implement and provide this if you need more than one pass.

Multipass rendering does not get processed in a stereo environment. Any multipass taking place is assumed to be written into the monoscopic back buffer before enabling the stereo processing for the final output.

$Revision: 1.5 $
Justin Couch

Method Summary
 void beginRenderPass(javax.media.opengl.GL gl, int passNumber, int mipmapLevel)
          Notification that the given pass number is about to start.
 void endRenderPass(javax.media.opengl.GL gl, int passNumber, int mipmapLevel)
          Notification that the given pass number has just finished.
 int numPassesRequired()
          Request how many passes this instance requires to be run.

Method Detail


int numPassesRequired()
Request how many passes this instance requires to be run.

A number greater than or equal to zero


void beginRenderPass(javax.media.opengl.GL gl,
                     int passNumber,
                     int mipmapLevel)
Notification that the given pass number is about to start.

passNumber - The index of the pass about to be executed
mipmapLevel - The level of mipmap being drawn 0 for the full detail and positive integers from there
gl - The gl context to draw with


void endRenderPass(javax.media.opengl.GL gl,
                   int passNumber,
                   int mipmapLevel)
Notification that the given pass number has just finished.

passNumber - The index of the pass just finished
mipmapLevel - The level of mipmap being drawn 0 for the full detail and positive integers from there
gl - The gl context to draw with


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