
Interface MultipassTextureDestination

All Known Implementing Classes:
Texture2D, TextureCubicEnvironmentMap

Deprecated. Use OffscreenTexture2D or MRTOffscreenTexture2D

public interface MultipassTextureDestination

Marker describing a Texture that can make use of multipass rendering component defined by a MultipassTextureSource to generate the source data.

Note: This class does nothing in Aviatrix3D 1.0

The interface allows for multiple image sources to be updated, such as a cubic environment map. Each method allows the setting of the values for each image source separately. For some implementations of this class, not all values of the image index will be acceptable. In that case, any invalid index will throw an InvalidArgumentException. As OpenGL requires, it assumes that all sources within a given texture index will be the same.

$Revision: 1.5 $
Justin Couch

Method Summary
 void getCopyOffset(int imgNum, int level, int[] offsets)
          Deprecated. Get the current copy offset.
 void getMultipassSources(MultipassTextureSource[] sources, int[] images)
          Deprecated. Fetch all of the currently specified multipass texture sources in this instance of the class.
 int getReadBuffer(int imgNum)
          Deprecated. Get the current read buffer that is being used.
 int numMultipassSources()
          Deprecated. Check to see how many multipass texture sources are actually set for.
 void setCopyOffset(int imgNum, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset)
          Deprecated. Set the offsets in this texture to use for update the sub image update values.
 void setReadBuffer(int imgNum, int buffer)
          Deprecated. Set the buffer that this texture should read it's input from during the update callback.
 void updateMultipassSource(javax.media.opengl.GL gl, int x, int y, int width, int height, int imgNum, int level)
          Deprecated. The multipass source has completed rendering and the implemented class should now copy the image data across now.

Method Detail


int numMultipassSources()
Check to see how many multipass texture sources are actually set for. this instance of the destination.

The number of defined sources >= 0


void getMultipassSources(MultipassTextureSource[] sources,
                         int[] images)
Fetch all of the currently specified multipass texture sources in this instance of the class. The values are copied into the arrays, along with their corresponding image index and level for mipmapping. The array must be at least as long as numMultipassSources().

sources - An array to copy the current sources into
images - The indices of each of the source images


void updateMultipassSource(javax.media.opengl.GL gl,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           int imgNum,
                           int level)
The multipass source has completed rendering and the implemented class should now copy the image data across now. The location information will be derived from the viewport size defined as part of the source's ViewEnvironment.

gl - The gl context to draw with * @param x The x offset in pixels to start the copy from
y - The y offset in pixels to start the copy from
width - The width in pixels of the texture that was rendered
height - The height in pixels of the texture that was rendered
imgNum - The index of the texture source to copy to
level - The mipmap level that this corresponds to


void setReadBuffer(int imgNum,
                   int buffer)
                   throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Set the buffer that this texture should read it's input from during the update callback.

imgNum - The index of the image that this offset applies to
buffer - The identifier of the buffer to read from
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener callback method


int getReadBuffer(int imgNum)
Get the current read buffer that is being used.

imgNum - The index of the image that this offset applies to
One of the buffer indicies.


void setCopyOffset(int imgNum,
                   int level,
                   int xoffset,
                   int yoffset)
                   throws InvalidWriteTimingException
Set the offsets in this texture to use for update the sub image update values.

imgNum - The index of the image that this offset applies to
xoffset - The x offset in pixels to start the copy at
yoffset - The y offset in pixels to start the copy at
level - The mipmap level that this corresponds to
InvalidWriteTimingException - An attempt was made to write outside of the NodeUpdateListener callback method


void getCopyOffset(int imgNum,
                   int level,
                   int[] offsets)
Get the current copy offset. The return values are copied into the user provided array as [xoffset, yoffset].

imgNum - The index of the image that this offset applies to
level - The mipmap level that this corresponds to
offsets - An array to copy the values into


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