
Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim Humanoid skinned-mesh representation for use with the Aviatrix3D scene graph. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume Volume rendering extensions to the Aviatrix3D scene graph. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. 

Uses of Node in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Subclasses of Node in org.j3d.aviatrix3d
 class AmbientLight
          Representation of a purely ambient light source with no other abilities.
 class AppearanceOverride
          An appearance that can be placed higher in the tree other than the Appearance node and overrides the appearance of all objects lower in the tree.
 class Background
          Base collection of functionality marking background nodes of various types.
 class BackgroundSound
          A BackgroundSound class whichs emits a sound which doesn't change by distance or orientation.
 class BaseGroup
          Abstracted verson of the Group node designed for extension by 3rd-party node implementors.
 class BaseNode
          A general purpose container class to allow end users to extend the basic Node capabilities, while still providing a way to manage scene graph state such as liveness calls and update handlers.
 class BoxBackground
          Background node that renders a sky box using any or all of the 6 textures.
 class ClipPlane
          Representation of a single clip plane that can be used to clip a model in addition to the normal view volume clipping.
 class ColorBackground
          Background node that represents a single solid 4-component colour.
 class ConeSound
          A ConeSound class which emits a conical sound in one direction.
 class DirectionalLight
          Representation of a directional light source.
 class Fog
          Describes a fog rendering effect.
 class Group
          The Group node object is a generic container of other nodes in the scene.
 class Group2D
          The Group2D node object is a generic container of other 2D nodes in the & scene.
 class ImageBackground
          Background node for 2D scenes that draws an image on screen as the background.
 class Leaf
          A Leaf class is the base class for all scene graph objects that have no children but provide something that may be renderable in the scene graph.
 class Leaf2D
          A Leaf class is the base class for all 2D scene graph objects that have no children but provide something that may be renderable in the scene graph.
 class Light
          Base representation of a light source that corresponds to the base set of capabilities that all lights in OpenGL have.
 class Node2D
          A specialised version of the Node class that works in 2D screen space only.
 class PixelTransform
          A grouping node that contains a transform for 2D pixel coordinate space.
 class Pixmap
          A Pixmap wraps 2D screen-aligned pixel blits.
 class PointLight
          Representation of a point light source.
 class PointSound
          A PointSound class which emits sound in all directions from a point.
 class Shape3D
          A Shape3D class wraps polygonal geometry and appearance information.
 class ShapeBackground
          Background node that renders a list of user-provided Shape3D instances.
 class SharedGroup
          A grouping node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedGroup2D
          A grouping 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode
          A node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class SharedNode2D
          A 2D node that can have multiple parents, thus allowing a graph structure to the scene graph.
 class Sound
          A Sound class represents all sound emiting nodes in the system.
 class SphereBackground
          Background node that renders a single user-provided texture on a sphere.
 class SpotLight
          Representation of a spot light source.
 class SwitchGroup
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a single child to be rendered.
 class TransformGroup
          A grouping node that contains a transform.
 class Viewpoint
          A viewpoint into the scene.

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d declared as Node
protected  Node[] Group.childList
          The list of children nodes
protected  Node[] BaseGroup.childList
          The list of children nodes
protected  Node Node.parent
          The parent of this node
protected  Node[] Raster.parentList
          Listing of all the parents of this node
protected  Node[] Geometry.parentList
          Listing of all the parents of this node

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return Node
 Node[] Group.getAllChildren()
          Return an array containing all of this group's children.
 Node[] BaseGroup.getAllChildren()
          Return an array containing all of this group's children.
 Node SharedNode.getChild()
          Get the currently set child of this node.
 Node Group.getChild(int idx)
          Retrieves the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children.
 Node BaseGroup.getChild(int idx)
          Retrieves the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children.
 Node SceneGraphPath.getNode(int pos)
          Get a single node at the given index position.
 Node[] SceneGraphPath.getNodes()
          Get the raw list of path items from the internal array.
 Node SharedNode2D.getParent()
          Overridden to always return the current first parent in the list.
 Node SharedNode.getParent()
          Overridden to always return the current first parent in the list.
 Node SharedGroup2D.getParent()
          Overridden to always return the current first parent in the list.
 Node SharedGroup.getParent()
          Overridden to always return the current first parent in the list.
 Node Node.getParent()
          Get the current parent of this node.
 Node BoundingGeometry.getProxyGeometry()
          Get the currently used proxy geometry.
 Node SceneGraphPath.getTerminalNode()
          Get the leaf node at the end of the path.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type Node
 void Group.addChild(Node newChild)
          Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children
 void BaseGroup.addChild(Node newChild)
          Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children
protected  void Raster.addParent(Node p)
          Add a parent to this node.
protected  void Geometry.addParent(Node p)
          Add a parent to this node.
 void SharedNode.getParents(Node[] parents)
          Get the listing of the number of parents that this node currently has.
 void SharedGroup.getParents(Node[] parents)
          Get the listing of the number of parents that this node currently has.
 void NodeComponent.getParents(Node[] parents)
          Get the listing of the number of parents that this node currently has.
 void BufferState.getParents(Node[] parents)
          Get the listing of the number of parents that this node currently has.
 int Group.indexOfChild(Node child)
          Retrieves the index of the specified child node in this group node's list of children.
 int BaseGroup.indexOfChild(Node child)
          Retrieves the index of the specified child node in this group node's list of children.
 void Group.removeChild(Node child)
          Removes the specified child from the group.
 void BaseGroup.removeChild(Node child)
          Removes the specified child from the group.
protected  void SharedNode2D.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void SharedNode.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void SharedGroup2D.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void SharedGroup.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void Raster.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void Node.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this node.
protected  void Geometry.removeParent(Node p)
          Remove a parent from this shared group.
protected  void BaseNode.removeParent(Node node, Node p)
          Remove a parent from this node.
 void SharedNode.setChild(Node child)
          Set the child to be the new value.
 void SwitchGroup.setChild(Node newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
 void Group.setChild(Node newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
 void BaseGroup.setChild(Node newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
 void SharedNode2D.setLive(Node caller, boolean state)
          Overloaded version of the notification that this object's liveness state has changed.
 void SharedNode.setLive(Node caller, boolean state)
          Overloaded version of the notification that this object's liveness state has changed.
 void SharedGroup2D.setLive(Node caller, boolean state)
          Overloaded version of the notification that this object's liveness state has changed.
 void SharedGroup.setLive(Node caller, boolean state)
          Overloaded version of the notification that this object's liveness state has changed.
 void MultiParentNode.setLive(Node caller, boolean state)
          Overloaded version of the notification that this object's liveness state has changed.
protected  void SharedNode2D.setParent(Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void SharedNode.setParent(Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void SharedGroup2D.setParent(Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void SharedGroup.setParent(Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent, overridden to provide behaviour that appends the node to the list rather than replacing it.
protected  void Node.setParent(Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent.
protected  void BaseNode.setParent(Node node, Node p)
          Specify this nodes parent.
 void BoundingGeometry.setProxyGeometry(Node geom)
          Set the new geometry to use as the proxy.
 void SceneGraphPath.updatePath(Node[] nodes, int num, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f mat, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f iMat)
          Set the scene graph path to the new value.

Constructors in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type Node
BoundingGeometry(Node geom)
          Construct a bounding sphere at the origin with a set radius.
SceneGraphPath(Node[] nodes, int num, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f mat, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f iMat)
          Create a new path with the given nodes from the array as the base path definition.

Uses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom

Subclasses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom
 class Axis
          Representation of a set of axis around the coordinates.
 class Box
          A simple box primitive.
 class Cone
          A simple cone that uses triangles.
 class Cylinder
          A simple cylinder that uses triangle strips for rendering.
 class Sphere
          A simple sphere that uses triangle strips.
 class Spring
          A simple spring that uses triangle strips.
 class Torus
          A simple torus that uses triangle strips.

Uses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim

Fields in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim declared as Node
protected  Node[] SoftwareHumanoid.skin
          Collection of nodes that is the skin

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim that return Node
 Node AVHumanoidPart.getSceneGraphObject()
          Get the implemented scene graph object for this part.
 Node AVHumanoid.getSceneGraphObject()
          Get the implemented scene graph object for this humanoid so that it can be added directly to the scene.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim with parameters of type Node
 void SoftwareHumanoid.setSkin(Node[] skins, int numSkins)
          Set the list of geometry that should be used by this humanoid.
abstract  void AVHumanoid.setSkin(Node[] skins, int numSkins)
          Set the list of geometry that should be used by this humanoid.

Uses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume

Subclasses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume
 class OctTree
          Node that implements a simple OctTree-style data structure useful for volume rendering of large datasets.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume that return Node
 Node OctTree.getLowDetail()
          Get the currently set low-detail geometry structure.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.volume with parameters of type Node
 void OctTree.getHighDetail(Node[] geom)
          Get the currently set low-detail geometry structure.
 void OctTree.setHighDetail(Node[] geom, int numValid)
          Set the low-detail geometry instance to use.
 void OctTree.setLowDetail(Node geom)
          Set the low-detail geometry instance to use.

Uses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes

Subclasses of Node in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes
 class Billboard
          A class that automatically orients its children towards the camera location.
 class LODGroup
          A grouping node structure that controls which children are being rendered based on distance from the user.
 class MarkerGroup
          A grouping node that places it's children in the line of site between a target node and the viewpoint, oriented towards the viewpoint.
 class MaskedSwitch
          Special grouping node that allows the selection of only a mask of children to be rendered.

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes with parameters of type Node
 void LODGroup.addChild(Node newChild)
          Appends the specified child node to this group node's list of children
 void MaskedSwitch.setChild(Node newChild, int idx)
          Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
 void MarkerGroup.setTarget(Node target)
          Set the node to track


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