
Package org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim

Humanoid skinned-mesh representation for use with the Aviatrix3D scene graph.


Interface Summary
AVHumanoidPart Marker interface for the Aviatrix3D parts of the scene graph.

Class Summary
AVHumanoid Common AV3D implementation of the Humanoid object that may be extended for either shader or software implementation additions.
AVShaderHAnimFactory An implementation of the HAnimFactory that provide nodes that implements skinned mesh rendering using GLSL shaders.
AVSoftwareHAnimFactory An implementation of the HAnimFactory that provide nodes that implements skinned mesh rendering using software.
SoftwareHumanoid Common AV3D implementation of the Humanoid object that uses software to implement the mesh skinning algorithm.

Package org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom.hanim Description

Humanoid skinned-mesh representation for use with the Aviatrix3D scene graph.

This component is specifically designed to implement the ISO H-Anim (ISO/IEC FDIS 19774) specification through the use of skinned mesh representations. It is possible, though not tested, to represent other non-humanoid-style skinned mesh objects using these classes.

Design Notes

There are two versions of the code implementation that you could make use of: software and hardware rendering. In the software version, the mesh is deformed using a pure CPU-based software Java implementation. In the hardware version, OpenGL GLSLang shaders are used to perform the skinning calculations using shader hardware to allow a greater detail or more meshes being supported at once. Note that if you make use of the shader implementation here, you will not be able to make use of a generalised shader handling of the appearance for the skin.


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