
Uses of Interface

Packages that use OffscreenBufferRenderable
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics Implementations of graphics output devices types for rendering the OpenGL output. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics Implementations of the various pipeline pieces. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering Interfaces used to describe the scene graph structure to rendering and sorting routines of the pipeline. 

Uses of OffscreenBufferRenderable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Classes in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that implement OffscreenBufferRenderable
 class MRTOffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer with the ability to have multiple render targets.
 class OffscreenTexture2D
          Describes the texture that is rendered to an offscreen buffer, using OpenGL frame buffer objects or pbuffers, depending on system capability.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return OffscreenBufferRenderable
 OffscreenBufferRenderable OffscreenTexture2D.getOffscreenRenderable()
          Fetch the renderable that this offscreen cullable will draw to.
 OffscreenBufferRenderable MRTOffscreenTexture2D.getOffscreenRenderable()
          Fetch the renderable that this offscreen cullable will draw to.

Uses of OffscreenBufferRenderable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics declared as OffscreenBufferRenderable
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable BaseBufferDescriptor.ownerRenderable
          The renderable object that we are representing as a buffer
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[] BaseSurface.renderableList
          Local storage of the nodes that need to be rendered

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics with type parameters of type OffscreenBufferRenderable
protected  java.util.ArrayList<OffscreenBufferRenderable> BaseRenderingProcessor.addedBuffers
          Child renderables that have just been added, but not processed yet.
protected  java.util.HashMap<OffscreenBufferRenderable,BaseBufferDescriptor> BaseRenderingProcessor.childBuffers
          Currently managed child buffers
protected  java.util.ArrayList<OffscreenBufferRenderable> BaseRenderingProcessor.removedBuffers
          Child renderables that have been removed, but have not yet had their underlying resources deleted.
protected  java.util.Map<OffscreenBufferRenderable,RenderingProcessor> BaseSurface.rendererMap
          Maps from a ofscreen texture instance to the rendererProcessor for it
protected  java.util.ArrayList<OffscreenBufferRenderable> BaseRenderingProcessor.updatedBuffers
          Child renderables that have just been added, but not processed yet.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics with parameters of type OffscreenBufferRenderable
 void RenderingProcessor.addChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend, RenderingProcessor proc)
          Add a dependent child rendering buffer to this processor.
 void BaseRenderingProcessor.addChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend, RenderingProcessor proc)
          Add a dependent child rendering buffer to this processor.
 void RenderingProcessor.removeChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend)
          Remove a dependent child rendering buffer to this processor.
 void BaseRenderingProcessor.removeChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend)
          Remove a dependent child rendering buffer to this processor.
 void RenderingProcessor.updateChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend)
          Request that the given buffer gets updated.
 void BaseRenderingProcessor.updateChildBuffer(OffscreenBufferRenderable rend)
          Request that the given buffer gets updated.

Constructors in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics with parameters of type OffscreenBufferRenderable
BaseBufferDescriptor(OffscreenBufferRenderable owner)
          Construct an instance of this class that will contain a buffer with the requested capabilties.

Uses of OffscreenBufferRenderable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics declared as OffscreenBufferRenderable
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] BaseCullStage.outputSceneParents
          List of valid subscene parents as we process them
 OffscreenBufferRenderable GraphicsInstructions.parentSource
          Reference to the parent texture source that this instance is to be rendered into.
 OffscreenBufferRenderable GraphicsInstructions.pbuffer
          If set, the rendering should be done to an offscreen buffer that is then handed to this texture placeholder for use in another drawable object.
 OffscreenBufferRenderable[] SceneRenderBucket.sceneParents
          Parent nodes that hold the subscene in the main scene graph.
 OffscreenBufferRenderable[] MultipassRenderBucket.sceneParents
          Parent nodes that hold the subscene in the main scene graph.
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] BaseCullStage.validSceneParents
          List of valid subscene parents as we process them

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics with type parameters of type OffscreenBufferRenderable
protected  java.util.HashMap<OffscreenBufferRenderable,GraphicsInstructions> BaseSortStage.instructionMap
          Map of the first occurance of a scene parent to it's render instruction

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics with parameters of type OffscreenBufferRenderable
 void CullToSingleSortListener.culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParents)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer.
 void CulledGeometryReceiver.culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer.
 void GraphicsSortStage.sort(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
          Sort the listing of layers and nodes.
 void BaseSortStage.sort(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParents)
          Sort the listing of layers and nodes.

Uses of OffscreenBufferRenderable in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering that return OffscreenBufferRenderable
 OffscreenBufferRenderable OffscreenCullable.getOffscreenRenderable()
          Fetch the renderable that this offscreen cullable will draw to.


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