
Interface CulledGeometryReceiver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CulledGeometryReceiver

Handles the output of the geometry culling stage that should be passed onto the next stage of the pipeline (sorting or other).

The reciever is a blocking call - all data is expected to be managed before it returns. In the case of a single-threaded pipeline implementation, that implies that the next stage will process the data before returning. In a multithreaded pipeline, the receiver will copy the data to somewhere that is thread safe before allowing the geometry to return.

$Revision: 3.4 $
Justin Couch

Method Summary
 void culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer.

Method Detail


void culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData,
                  GraphicsProfilingData profilingData,
                  ViewportCollection[][] layers,
                  int[] numLayers,
                  int numScenes,
                  OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer. Each instance of ViewportCollection represents the contents of a complete layer. Note, this does not consider multipass texture sources right now.

For the 2D array of layers, it contains the list of final subscenes to send to the final stage, with the second dimension describing the layers, in rendering order. The first item will always be the main scene that gets rendered to the canvas.

For the 2D array sceneParent, it allows for mapping the output of internal scenes to the holding texture node. Index 0 is the direct owner of the scene contents. Index 1 is the scene parent of the scene included (needed for pBuffer GL context handling at render time). If this second one is null, then the parent is the main canvas that is being rendered to.

otherData - The optional renderable data to process this next frame
profilingData - The timing and load data
layers - The list of layers that need to be further processed
numLayers - The number of valid layers in each scene to process
numScenes - The number of valid scenes to process
sceneParent - Parent node that holds the subscene in the main scene graph


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