
Class SceneRenderBucket

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.SceneRenderBucket

public class SceneRenderBucket
extends java.lang.Object

Data holder that passes the information about what is to be rendered from a single scene within a layer from the output of the GraphicsCullStage through to the GraphicsSortStage.

$Revision: 3.3 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
 GraphicsEnvironmentData data
          External rendering environment information
 MultipassDetails[] generatedTextures
          A list of the multipass texture sources found.
 GraphicsCullOutputDetails[] nodes
          List of processed nodes based on the scene they came from
 int numGeneratedTextures
          The number of multipass textures to be rendered for this scene
 int numNodes
          Number of nodes in this scene
 OffscreenBufferRenderable[] sceneParents
          Parent nodes that hold the subscene in the main scene graph.
Constructor Summary
          Create a default instance of this bucket.
SceneRenderBucket(int size)
          Create a instance of this bucket with the node list initialised to the given size.
Method Summary
 void ensureCapacity(int size)
          Check and resize the lists if necessary to accomodate the requested number of passes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public GraphicsEnvironmentData data
External rendering environment information


public GraphicsCullOutputDetails[] nodes
List of processed nodes based on the scene they came from


public int numNodes
Number of nodes in this scene


public OffscreenBufferRenderable[] sceneParents
Parent nodes that hold the subscene in the main scene graph. Each index is the scene parent of this scene included (needed for pBuffer GL context handling at render time). If this is null, then the parent is the main canvas that is being rendered to.


public MultipassDetails[] generatedTextures
A list of the multipass texture sources found.


public int numGeneratedTextures
The number of multipass textures to be rendered for this scene

Constructor Detail


public SceneRenderBucket()
Create a default instance of this bucket. All lists are initialised to null except the nodes variable, which is set to an internal default size. The graphics environment data is initialised.


public SceneRenderBucket(int size)
Create a instance of this bucket with the node list initialised to the given size. All lists are initialised to null except the nodes variable, which is set to an internal given size and populated with the class instances. The graphics environment data is initialised.

size - The number of items in the nodes list to create
Method Detail


public void ensureCapacity(int size)
Check and resize the lists if necessary to accomodate the requested number of passes.

size - The minimum number of cull items to have allocated


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