
Class GraphicsInstructions

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.RenderInstructions
      extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.GraphicsInstructions

public class GraphicsInstructions
extends RenderInstructions

Class for passing the detailed rendering information for a single surface. from the sorter through to the renderable surface.

Since pBuffers cannot be shared across different GL contexts with the construct that JOGL is is using, when two parent textures reference a single child, there will be two copies of this class, with two different parentSource references, but only one copyOf set.

$Revision: 3.1 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
 OffscreenBufferRenderable parentSource
          Reference to the parent texture source that this instance is to be rendered into.
 OffscreenBufferRenderable pbuffer
          If set, the rendering should be done to an offscreen buffer that is then handed to this texture placeholder for use in another drawable object.
 GraphicsEnvironmentData[] renderData
          Visual data such as viewpoint, background etc.
 GraphicsDetails[] renderList
          The list of nodes in sorted order
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.RenderInstructions
copyOf, LIST_START_SIZE, numValid, renderOps
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new instance of this class with the arrays initialised to a default size.
Method Summary
 void ensureEnvDataCapacity(int reqdSize)
          Resize the renderData variable to be at least the give size, copying existing contents if needed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public GraphicsEnvironmentData[] renderData
Visual data such as viewpoint, background etc. Initially assigned a length of 1.


public OffscreenBufferRenderable pbuffer
If set, the rendering should be done to an offscreen buffer that is then handed to this texture placeholder for use in another drawable object. If this is null, then render to the main on-screen drawable object.


public OffscreenBufferRenderable parentSource
Reference to the parent texture source that this instance is to be rendered into. If the parent source is the root canvas (ie main drawable), this reference will be null.


public GraphicsDetails[] renderList
The list of nodes in sorted order

Constructor Detail


public GraphicsInstructions()
Construct a new instance of this class with the arrays initialised to a default size.

Method Detail


public void ensureEnvDataCapacity(int reqdSize)
Resize the renderData variable to be at least the give size, copying existing contents if needed. If the array is already bigger than that requested, do nothing.

reqdSize - The number of elements required


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