
Class BaseSurface

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.BaseSurface
All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphicsOutputDevice, OutputDevice
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseAWTSurface, BaseDraw2DSurface, BaseSWTSurface, BaseSWTSurface, PbufferSurface

public abstract class BaseSurface
extends java.lang.Object
implements GraphicsOutputDevice

Implementation of the most basic drawable surface, supporting the minimal number of features that is to be used by other, more complete implementations.

This implementation of GraphicsOutputDevice renders to a normal GLCanvas or GLJPanel (depending on if "lightweight" is true) instance and provides pBuffer support as needed. Stereo support is not provided and all associated methods always indicate negative returns on query about support.

$Revision: 3.50 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
protected  float alphaCutoff
          Alpha Test value for the parts of transparent objects that should be handled as opaque
protected  boolean canCreatePBuffers
          Flag to say whether the underlying factory can create pbuffers
protected  javax.media.opengl.GLDrawable canvas
          The real canvas that we draw to
protected  javax.media.opengl.GLContext canvasContext
          The context of the main canvas
protected  org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.MainCanvasDescriptor canvasDescriptor
          Buffer descriptor for the main canvas
protected  RenderingProcessor canvasRenderer
          Abstract representation of the underlying primary renderer
protected  org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter errorReporter
          Error reporter used to send out messages
protected static java.lang.String FAILED_CONTEXT_MSG
          Message when the GL context failed to initialise
protected  boolean initComplete
          Flag to say that init has been called on the canvas
protected  int numRenderables
          Number of items in the renderable list
protected  OffscreenBufferRenderable[] renderableList
          Local storage of the nodes that need to be rendered
protected  java.util.Map<OffscreenBufferRenderable,RenderingProcessor> rendererMap
          Maps from a ofscreen texture instance to the rendererProcessor for it
protected  BaseSurface sharedSurface
          Flag indicating if this surface is shared with another
protected  boolean singleThreaded
          Single threaded rendering mode operation state.
protected  SurfaceMonitor surfaceMonitor
          Manager of surface status so that we know what to do with the context (ie refresh it or makeCurrent again).
protected  boolean terminate
          Flag indicating whether rendering should be stopped right now
protected  boolean useTwoPassTransparent
          Flag indicating if we should do single or two-pass rendering of transparent objects.
Fields inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.GraphicsOutputDevice
Constructor Summary
protected BaseSurface(BaseSurface sharedWith)
          Construct a surface shares it's GL context with the given surface.
Method Summary
 void addSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
          Add a surface info listener instance to this surface.
 void checkForExtension(java.lang.String glExtensionString)
          Add an extension string to check for at startup.
 boolean completeCanvasInitialisation(javax.media.opengl.GL gl)
          Used during initialisation of the system for the first time.
protected  RenderingProcessor createRenderingProcessor(javax.media.opengl.GLContext ctx)
          Create a new RenderingProcessor instance for this surface.
 void dispose()
          Instruct this surface that you have finished with the resources needed and to dispose all rendering resources.
 void disposeSingleThreadResources()
          If the output device is marked as single threaded, this instructs the device that the current rendering thread has exited.
 boolean draw(ProfilingData profilingData)
          Instruct the surface to draw the collected set of nodes now.
 void enableSingleThreaded(boolean state)
          Notification that this surface is being drawn to with a single thread.
 void enableTwoPassTransparentRendering(boolean state)
          Enable or disable two pass rendering of transparent objects.
 float getAlphaTestCutoff()
          Get the current value of the alpha test cutoff number.
 boolean getCenterEyeInSurface(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Point3f position, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Get the Center Eye position in surface coordinates.
 javax.media.opengl.GLContext getGLContext()
          Package local method to fetch the GLContext that this surface has.
 boolean getPixelLocationInSurface(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Point3f position, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.
protected  javax.media.opengl.GLContext getSharedGLContext()
          Get the context object from the shared surface, if there is one set.
 float getStereoEyeSeparation()
          Get the current eye separation value - always returns 0.
 int getStereoRenderingPolicy()
          Get the current stereo rendering policy in use.
 boolean getSurfaceToVWorld(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Get the surface to VWorld transformation matrix.
protected  void init()
          Common internal initialisation for the constructors.
protected  boolean initCanvas()
          Called by the drawable immediately after the OpenGL context is initialized; the GLContext has already been made current when this method is called.
 boolean isDisposed()
          Check to see the disposal state of the surface.
 boolean isQuadStereoAvailable()
          Check to see whether this surface supports Quad buffer stereo rendering - which it does not.
 boolean isShared()
          Check to see whether this object is currently shared.
 boolean isStereoAvailable()
          Check to see whether this surface supports stereo rendering - which is does not.
 boolean isTwoPassTransparentEnabled()
          Check the state of the two pass transprent rendering flag.
 void removeSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
          Remove a surface info listener from this surface.
 void setAlphaTestCutoff(float cutoff)
          If two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled, this is the alpha test value used when deciding what to render.
 void setClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
          Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step.
 void setColorClearNeeded(boolean state)
          Set whether we should always force a local colour clear before beginning any drawing.
 void setDrawableObjects(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsInstructions[] commands, int numValid)
          Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list.
 void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
          Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
 void setStereoEyeSeparation(float sep)
          Set the eye separation value when rendering stereo.
 void setStereoRenderingPolicy(int policy)
          Set the rendering policy used when handling stereo.
 void swap()
          Swap the buffers now if the surface supports multiple buffer drawing.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.GraphicsOutputDevice
addGraphicsResizeListener, removeGraphicsResizeListener
Methods inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.OutputDevice

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String FAILED_CONTEXT_MSG
Message when the GL context failed to initialise

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected javax.media.opengl.GLDrawable canvas
The real canvas that we draw to


protected javax.media.opengl.GLContext canvasContext
The context of the main canvas


protected SurfaceMonitor surfaceMonitor
Manager of surface status so that we know what to do with the context (ie refresh it or makeCurrent again). This must be initialised in the constructor.


protected RenderingProcessor canvasRenderer
Abstract representation of the underlying primary renderer


protected org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.MainCanvasDescriptor canvasDescriptor
Buffer descriptor for the main canvas


protected OffscreenBufferRenderable[] renderableList
Local storage of the nodes that need to be rendered


protected int numRenderables
Number of items in the renderable list


protected boolean initComplete
Flag to say that init has been called on the canvas


protected java.util.Map<OffscreenBufferRenderable,RenderingProcessor> rendererMap
Maps from a ofscreen texture instance to the rendererProcessor for it


protected BaseSurface sharedSurface
Flag indicating if this surface is shared with another


protected boolean canCreatePBuffers
Flag to say whether the underlying factory can create pbuffers


protected org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter errorReporter
Error reporter used to send out messages


protected boolean terminate
Flag indicating whether rendering should be stopped right now


protected boolean singleThreaded
Single threaded rendering mode operation state. Defaults to false.


protected float alphaCutoff
Alpha Test value for the parts of transparent objects that should be handled as opaque


protected boolean useTwoPassTransparent
Flag indicating if we should do single or two-pass rendering of transparent objects.

Constructor Detail


protected BaseSurface(BaseSurface sharedWith)
Construct a surface shares it's GL context with the given surface. This is useful for constructing multiple view displays of the same scene graph, but from different viewing directions, such as in a CAD application.

If the sharedWith parameter is null, then this is just treated as an ordinary non-shared frame. The return flag will be set appropriately.

sharedWith - The surface that you'd like this surface to share the GL context with, if possible. May be null.
Method Detail


public boolean isStereoAvailable()
Check to see whether this surface supports stereo rendering - which is does not. Always returns false. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
isStereoAvailable in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
false Stereo is not available


public boolean isQuadStereoAvailable()
Check to see whether this surface supports Quad buffer stereo rendering - which it does not. Always returns false for this implementation. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
isQuadStereoAvailable in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
false The surface does not support stereo at all


public void setStereoEyeSeparation(float sep)
Set the eye separation value when rendering stereo. The default value is 0.33 for most applications. The absolute value of the separation is always used. Ignored for this implementation. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
setStereoEyeSeparation in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
sep - The amount of eye separation


public float getStereoEyeSeparation()
Get the current eye separation value - always returns 0. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
getStereoEyeSeparation in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
sep The amount of eye separation


public void setStereoRenderingPolicy(int policy)
Set the rendering policy used when handling stereo. The policy must be one of the _STEREO constants defined in this interface. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
setStereoRenderingPolicy in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
policy - The policy to currently use
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The policy type is not one of the legal selections.


public int getStereoRenderingPolicy()
Get the current stereo rendering policy in use. If not explicitly set by the user, then it will default to NO_STEREO. May be overridden by derived class to provide a different answer.

Specified by:
getStereoRenderingPolicy in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
One of the *_STEREO values


public void setClearColor(float r,
                          float g,
                          float b,
                          float a)
Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step. Colours range from 0 to 1 in the normal manner.

Specified by:
setClearColor in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
r - The red component of the background clear colour
g - The green component of the background clear colour
b - The blue component of the background clear colour
a - The alpha component of the background clear colour


public void setColorClearNeeded(boolean state)
Set whether we should always force a local colour clear before beginning any drawing. If this is set to false, then we can assume that there is at least one background floating around that we can use to clear whatever was drawn in the previous frame, and so we can ignore the glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) call. The default is set to true.

Specified by:
setColorClearNeeded in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
state - true if we should always locally clear first


public void enableTwoPassTransparentRendering(boolean state)
Enable or disable two pass rendering of transparent objects. By default it is disabled. This flag applies to this surface and any offscreen surfaces that are children of this surface (FBOs, PBuffers etc).

Specified by:
enableTwoPassTransparentRendering in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
state - true if we should enable two pass rendering


public boolean isTwoPassTransparentEnabled()
Check the state of the two pass transprent rendering flag.

Specified by:
isTwoPassTransparentEnabled in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
true if two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled


public void setAlphaTestCutoff(float cutoff)
If two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled, this is the alpha test value used when deciding what to render. The default value is 1.0. No sanity checking is performed, but the value should be between [0,1].

This flag applies to this surface and any offscreen surfaces that are children of this surface (FBOs, PBuffers etc).

Specified by:
setAlphaTestCutoff in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
cutoff - The alpha value at which to enable rendering


public float getAlphaTestCutoff()
Get the current value of the alpha test cutoff number. Will always return the currently set number regardless of the state of the two pass rendering flag.

Specified by:
getAlphaTestCutoff in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
The currently set cut off value


public void setDrawableObjects(GraphicsRequestData otherData,
                               GraphicsInstructions[] commands,
                               int numValid)
Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list. Draw them at the next oppourtunity.

Specified by:
setDrawableObjects in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
otherData - data to be processed before the rendering
commands - The list of drawable surfaces to render
numValid - The number of valid items in the array


public void swap()
Swap the buffers now if the surface supports multiple buffer drawing. For surfaces that don't support multiple buffers, this does nothing.

Specified by:
swap in interface GraphicsOutputDevice


public boolean getSurfaceToVWorld(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int layer,
                                  int subLayer,
                                  javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix,
                                  java.lang.String deviceId,
                                  boolean useLastFound)
Get the surface to VWorld transformation matrix.

Specified by:
getSurfaceToVWorld in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
x - The X coordinate in the entire surface
y - The Y coordinate in the entire surface
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
matrix - The matrix to copy into
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


public boolean getPixelLocationInSurface(int x,
                                         int y,
                                         int layer,
                                         int subLayer,
                                         javax.vecmath.Point3f position,
                                         java.lang.String deviceId,
                                         boolean useLastFound)
Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.

Specified by:
getPixelLocationInSurface in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
x - The X coordinate
y - The Y coordinate
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
position - The converted position. It must be preallocated.
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


public boolean getCenterEyeInSurface(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int layer,
                                     int subLayer,
                                     javax.vecmath.Point3f position,
                                     java.lang.String deviceId,
                                     boolean useLastFound)
Get the Center Eye position in surface coordinates.

Specified by:
getCenterEyeInSurface in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
x - The X coordinate in the entire surface
y - The Y coordinate in the entire surface
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
position - The current eye position. It must be preallocated.
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


public void addSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
Add a surface info listener instance to this surface. Duplicate listener instance add requests are ignored, as are null values.

Specified by:
addSurfaceInfoListener in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
l - The new listener instance to add


public void removeSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
Remove a surface info listener from this surface. If the listener is not currently registered the request is ignored.

Specified by:
removeSurfaceInfoListener in interface GraphicsOutputDevice
l - The listener instance to remove


public void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion. Setting a value of null will clear the currently set reporter. If one is already set, the new value replaces the old.

Specified by:
setErrorReporter in interface OutputDevice
reporter - The instance to use or null


public boolean draw(ProfilingData profilingData)
Instruct the surface to draw the collected set of nodes now. The registered view environment is used to draw to this surface. If no view is registered, the surface is cleared and then this call is exited. The drawing surface does not swap the buffers at this point.

The return value indicates success or failure in the ability to render this frame. Typically it will indicate failure if the underlying surface has been disposed of, either directly through the calling of the method on this interface, or through an internal check mechanism. If failure is indicated, then check to see if the surface has been disposed of and discontinue rendering if it has.

Specified by:
draw in interface OutputDevice
profilingData - The timing and load data
true if the drawing succeeded, or false if not


public void dispose()
Instruct this surface that you have finished with the resources needed and to dispose all rendering resources.

Specified by:
dispose in interface OutputDevice


public boolean isDisposed()
Check to see the disposal state of the surface. Will return true if the dispose() method has been called or an internal dispose handler has detected the underlying surface is no longer valid to draw to.

Specified by:
isDisposed in interface OutputDevice
true if the surface is disposed and no longer usable


public void enableSingleThreaded(boolean state)
Notification that this surface is being drawn to with a single thread. This can be used to optmise internal state handling when needed in a single versus multithreaded environment.

This method should never be called by end user code. It is purely for the purposes of the RenderManager to inform the device about what state it can expect.

Specified by:
enableSingleThreaded in interface OutputDevice
state - true if the device can expect single threaded behaviour


public void disposeSingleThreadResources()
If the output device is marked as single threaded, this instructs the device that the current rendering thread has exited. Next time the draw method is called, a new rendering context will need to be created for a new incoming thread instance. Also, if any other per-thread resources are around, clean those up now. This is called just before that thread exits.

Specified by:
disposeSingleThreadResources in interface OutputDevice


protected RenderingProcessor createRenderingProcessor(javax.media.opengl.GLContext ctx)
Create a new RenderingProcessor instance for this surface. Used extended implementations of this surface to create a processor instance that matches the specifics. The default implementation provides an instance of StandardRenderingProcessor. Implementations may override this to provide their own processor instance.

ctx - The parent context to use for the processor
The rendering processor instance to use


public void checkForExtension(java.lang.String glExtensionString)
Add an extension string to check for at startup.

glExtensionString - String to check for being valid


public boolean isShared()
Check to see whether this object is currently shared. If it is shared return true, otherwise return false.


public boolean completeCanvasInitialisation(javax.media.opengl.GL gl)
Used during initialisation of the system for the first time. This is called just after the extension strings have been checked, but before we return back to the main rendering loop. The default implementation is empty.

The return value indicates success or failure in the ability to initialise this surface. Typically it will indicate failure if the underlying surface has been disposed of or a failure to find the capabilities needed. The default implementation returns true.

gl - An initialised, current gl context to play with
true if the initialisation succeeded, or false if not


protected void init()
Common internal initialisation for the constructors. Derived classes must call this during their constructor otherwise this class will crash in some spectacular ways.


protected boolean initCanvas()
Called by the drawable immediately after the OpenGL context is initialized; the GLContext has already been made current when this method is called. Any surface that overrides the draw method should also call this method if the class variable initComplete is currently set to false.

The return value indicates success or failure in the ability to initialise this surface. Typically it will indicate failure if the underlying surface has been disposed of or a failure to find the capabilities needed. The default implementation returns true.

true if the initialisation succeeded, or false if not


public javax.media.opengl.GLContext getGLContext()
Package local method to fetch the GLContext that this surface has. Allows there to be sharing between different surface types - for example having an elumens surface on one screen and a normal renderer on another.

The context used by this surface


protected javax.media.opengl.GLContext getSharedGLContext()
Get the context object from the shared surface, if there is one set. If there is no surface set then this will return null

The context from the shared surface or null


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