
Class BaseSWTSurface

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.BaseSurface
      extended by org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.swt.output.BaseSWTSurface
All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphicsOutputDevice, OutputDevice
Direct Known Subclasses:
DebugSWTSurface, ElumensSWTSurface, SimpleSWTSurface, StereoSWTSurface

public class BaseSWTSurface
extends BaseSurface

Extended base implementation of the basic drawable surface, but adding in some SWT-specific features.

SWT is an independent windowing toolkit developed by IBM as part of the Eclipse project. It doesn't use AWT at all. Note that to run this code we assume that you already have at least SWT installed on your system, and probably even all of Eclipse.

$Revision: 3.4 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
protected  org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.swt.output.SWTResizeHandler resizer
          Handler for dealing with the AWT to our graphics resize handler
protected  GLCanvas swtCanvas
          The SWT version of the OpenGL canvas
Fields inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.BaseSurface
alphaCutoff, canCreatePBuffers, canvas, canvasContext, canvasDescriptor, canvasRenderer, errorReporter, FAILED_CONTEXT_MSG, initComplete, numRenderables, renderableList, rendererMap, sharedSurface, singleThreaded, surfaceMonitor, terminate, useTwoPassTransparent
Fields inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics.GraphicsOutputDevice
Constructor Summary
BaseSWTSurface(BaseSurface sharedWith)
          Construct a surface that requires the given set of capabilities.
Method Summary
 void addGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
          Add a resize listener instance to this surface.
 java.lang.Object getSurfaceObject()
          Get the underlying object that this surface is rendered to.
 void removeGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
          Remove a resize listener from this surface.
 void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
          Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
Methods inherited from class org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.graphics.BaseSurface
addSurfaceInfoListener, checkForExtension, completeCanvasInitialisation, createRenderingProcessor, dispose, disposeSingleThreadResources, draw, enableSingleThreaded, enableTwoPassTransparentRendering, getAlphaTestCutoff, getCenterEyeInSurface, getGLContext, getPixelLocationInSurface, getSharedGLContext, getStereoEyeSeparation, getStereoRenderingPolicy, getSurfaceToVWorld, init, initCanvas, isDisposed, isQuadStereoAvailable, isShared, isStereoAvailable, isTwoPassTransparentEnabled, removeSurfaceInfoListener, setAlphaTestCutoff, setClearColor, setColorClearNeeded, setDrawableObjects, setStereoEyeSeparation, setStereoRenderingPolicy, swap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.swt.output.SWTResizeHandler resizer
Handler for dealing with the AWT to our graphics resize handler


protected GLCanvas swtCanvas
The SWT version of the OpenGL canvas

Constructor Detail


public BaseSWTSurface(BaseSurface sharedWith)
Construct a surface that requires the given set of capabilities. This surface acts as a standalone canvas.

sharedWith - The surface that you'd like this surface to share the GL context with, if possible. May be null.
Method Detail


public void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion. Setting a value of null will clear the currently set reporter. If one is already set, the new value replaces the old.

Specified by:
setErrorReporter in interface OutputDevice
setErrorReporter in class BaseSurface
reporter - The instance to use or null


public void addGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
Add a resize listener instance to this surface. Duplicate listener instance add requests are ignored, as are null values.

l - The new listener instance to add


public void removeGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
Remove a resize listener from this surface. If the listener is not currently registered the request is ignored.

l - The listener instance to remove


public java.lang.Object getSurfaceObject()
Get the underlying object that this surface is rendered to. If it is a screen display device, the surface can be one of AWT Component or Swing JComponent. An off-screen buffer would be a form of AWT Image etc.

The drawable surface representation


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