
Interface GraphicsOutputDevice

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAWTSurface, BaseDraw2DSurface, BaseSurface, BaseSWTSurface, BaseSWTSurface, DebugAWTSurface, DebugDraw2DSurface, DebugSWTSurface, DebugSWTSurface, ElumensAWTSurface, ElumensSWTSurface, ElumensSWTSurface, PbufferSurface, SimpleAWTSurface, SimpleDraw2DSurface, SimpleSWTSurface, SimpleSWTSurface, StereoAWTSurface, StereoSWTSurface, StereoSWTSurface

public interface GraphicsOutputDevice
extends OutputDevice

Interface representing the output of a render pipeline that specifically deals with graphical (visual) information.

Mouse Interaction

When working with any form of 2D input, such as a mouse, you need to transform it's device coordinates into the 3D space of the world, so that you may then do picking or other projections in world space.

Each of the mouse methods require that you pass in extra information to help with efficiency and specifically dealing with how a screen can be divided up into multiple viewports, yet still enable dragging operations to work correctly. The problem is that once you leave one viewport, you want to keep using the projection from that same viewport, not another one on the same layer. If you wish to keep the current viewport information the you can pass in a string that represents the identifier of your input device (in case you have multiple simultaneous input devices) and a flag to say whether the last found projection information for that device should still be used. If that flag is true, and the layer and sublayer IDs match, it will just project using the previously fetched information. If any of these conditions are not met, then a new set of projection information is fetched and cached for that ID.

$Revision: 3.9 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
          The stereo rendering type draws to alternate eyes on each frame.
static int NO_STEREO
          The surface will render only non-stereo projection (traditional monoscopic projection policy).
          The stereo rendering type to be used should use quad buffered, alternate frame rendering.
          The stereo rendering uses two canvases - one for each eye.
Method Summary
 void addGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
          Add a resize listener instance to this surface.
 void addSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
          Add a surface info listener instance to this surface.
 void enableTwoPassTransparentRendering(boolean state)
          Enable or disable two pass rendering of transparent objects.
 float getAlphaTestCutoff()
          Get the current value of the alpha test cutoff number.
 boolean getCenterEyeInSurface(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Point3f position, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Get the Center Eye position in surface coordinates.
 boolean getPixelLocationInSurface(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Point3f position, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.
 float getStereoEyeSeparation()
          Get the current eye separation value, defined as the distance from the center axis to one eye.
 int getStereoRenderingPolicy()
          Get the current stereo rendering policy in use.
 boolean getSurfaceToVWorld(int x, int y, int layer, int subLayer, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix, java.lang.String deviceId, boolean useLastFound)
          Get the surface to VWorld transformation matrix.
 boolean isQuadStereoAvailable()
          Check to see whether this surface supports Quad buffer stereo rendering.
 boolean isStereoAvailable()
          Check to see whether this surface supports stereo rendering.
 boolean isTwoPassTransparentEnabled()
          Check the state of the two pass transprent rendering flag.
 void removeGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
          Remove a resize listener from this surface.
 void removeSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
          Remove a surface info listener from this surface.
 void setAlphaTestCutoff(float cutoff)
          If two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled, this is the alpha test value used when deciding what to render.
 void setClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
          Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step.
 void setColorClearNeeded(boolean state)
          Set whether we should always force a local colour clear before beginning any drawing.
 void setDrawableObjects(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsInstructions[] commands, int numValid)
          Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list.
 void setStereoEyeSeparation(float sep)
          Set the eye separation value when rendering stereo, defined as the distance from the center axis to one eye.
 void setStereoRenderingPolicy(int policy)
          Set the rendering policy used when handling stereo.
 void swap()
          Swap the buffers now if the surface supports multiple buffer drawing.
Methods inherited from interface org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.OutputDevice
dispose, disposeSingleThreadResources, draw, enableSingleThreaded, getSurfaceObject, isDisposed, setErrorReporter

Field Detail


static final int NO_STEREO
The surface will render only non-stereo projection (traditional monoscopic projection policy).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int QUAD_BUFFER_STEREO
The stereo rendering type to be used should use quad buffered, alternate frame rendering. In this type it renders to the left back buffer, then right back buffer and then swaps both. This is useful if you have HMDs which have two separate windows for the rendering.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


The stereo rendering type draws to alternate eyes on each frame. Used if you have shutter glasses where the user's vision is restricted to one eye or the other, but not both at the same time. Only uses a single double buffer to render alternate eye points

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TWO_CANVAS_STEREO
The stereo rendering uses two canvases - one for each eye. The canvases are placed either side by side or vertically stacked, depending on the rendering options requested.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


boolean isStereoAvailable()
Check to see whether this surface supports stereo rendering. As this is not known until after initialisation, this method will return false until it can determine whether or not stereo is available.

true Stereo support is currently available


boolean isQuadStereoAvailable()
Check to see whether this surface supports Quad buffer stereo rendering. Quadbuffers uses the GL_BACK_LEFT and GL_BACK_RIGHT for rendering pairs rather than drawing alternate frames to the same window.

As this is not known until after initialisation, this method will return false until it can determine whether or not stereo is available.

true Stereo support is currently available


void setStereoRenderingPolicy(int policy)
Set the rendering policy used when handling stereo. The policy must be one of the _STEREO constants defined in this interface.

policy - The policy to currently use
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The policy type is not one of the legal selections.


int getStereoRenderingPolicy()
Get the current stereo rendering policy in use. If not explicitly set by the user, then it will default to NO_STEREO.

One of the *_STEREO values


void setStereoEyeSeparation(float sep)
Set the eye separation value when rendering stereo, defined as the distance from the center axis to one eye. The default value is 0.33 for most applications. The absolute value of the separation is always used.

sep - The amount of eye separation


float getStereoEyeSeparation()
Get the current eye separation value, defined as the distance from the center axis to one eye. If we are in no-stereo mode then this will return zero.

sep The amount of eye separation


void setClearColor(float r,
                   float g,
                   float b,
                   float a)
Set the background colour that this surface should be cleared to before the drawing step. Colours range from 0 to 1 in the normal manner.

r - The red component of the background clear colour
g - The green component of the background clear colour
b - The blue component of the background clear colour
a - The alpha component of the background clear colour


void setColorClearNeeded(boolean state)
Set whether we should always force a local colour clear before beginning any drawing. If this is set to false, then we can assume that there is at least one background floating around that we can use to clear whatever was drawn in the previous frame, and so we can ignore the glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) call. The default is set to true.

state - true if we should always locally clear first


void enableTwoPassTransparentRendering(boolean state)
Enable or disable two pass rendering of transparent objects. By default it is disabled. This flag applies to this surface and any offscreen surfaces that are children of this surface (FBOs, PBuffers etc).

state - true if we should enable two pass rendering


boolean isTwoPassTransparentEnabled()
Check the state of the two pass transprent rendering flag.

true if two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled


void setAlphaTestCutoff(float cutoff)
If two pass rendering of transparent objects is enabled, this is the alpha test value used when deciding what to render. The default value is 1.0. No sanity checking is performed, but the value should be between [0,1].

This flag applies to this surface and any offscreen surfaces that are children of this surface (FBOs, PBuffers etc).

cutoff - The alpha value at which to enable rendering


float getAlphaTestCutoff()
Get the current value of the alpha test cutoff number. Will always return the currently set number regardless of the state of the two pass rendering flag.

The currently set cut off value


void setDrawableObjects(GraphicsRequestData otherData,
                        GraphicsInstructions[] commands,
                        int numValid)
Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list. Draw them at the next oppourtunity.

otherData - data to be processed before the rendering
commands - The list of drawable surfaces to render
numValid - The number of valid items in the array


void swap()
Swap the buffers now if the surface supports multiple buffer drawing. For surfaces that don't support multiple buffers, this does nothing.


boolean getSurfaceToVWorld(int x,
                           int y,
                           int layer,
                           int subLayer,
                           javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix,
                           java.lang.String deviceId,
                           boolean useLastFound)
Get the surface to VWorld transformation matrix.

x - The X coordinate in the entire surface
y - The Y coordinate in the entire surface
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
matrix - The matrix to copy into
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


boolean getPixelLocationInSurface(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int layer,
                                  int subLayer,
                                  javax.vecmath.Point3f position,
                                  java.lang.String deviceId,
                                  boolean useLastFound)
Convert a pixel location to surface coordinates.

x - The X coordinate in the entire surface
y - The Y coordinate in the entire surface
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
position - The converted position. It must be preallocated.
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


boolean getCenterEyeInSurface(int x,
                              int y,
                              int layer,
                              int subLayer,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f position,
                              java.lang.String deviceId,
                              boolean useLastFound)
Get the Center Eye position in surface coordinates.

x - The X coordinate in the entire surface
y - The Y coordinate in the entire surface
layer - The layer ID to fetch from. Layer 0 is the front-most
subLayer - The ID of the viewport-layer that is needed. If there are no sub-layers, use 0.
position - The current eye position. It must be preallocated.
deviceId - A user-defined identifier for the requesting device when using the lastFound items
useLastFound - Should we skip the search process and use the last data found for this layer/sublayer combo.
Whether the coordinates where on the layer


void addGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
Add a resize listener instance to this surface. Duplicate listener instance add requests are ignored, as are null values.

l - The new listener instance to add


void removeGraphicsResizeListener(GraphicsResizeListener l)
Remove a resize listener from this surface. If the listener is not currently registered the request is ignored.

l - The listener instance to remove


void addSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
Add a surface info listener instance to this surface. Duplicate listener instance add requests are ignored, as are null values.

l - The new listener instance to add


void removeSurfaceInfoListener(SurfaceInfoListener l)
Remove a surface info listener from this surface. If the listener is not currently registered the request is ignored.

l - The listener instance to remove


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