
Uses of Class

Packages that use RenderableRequestData
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.audio Implementations of audio output devices for rendering sound data. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline Common representation interfaces of a rendering pipeline. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.audio Various audio device types for rendering sound data. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics Implementations of the various pipeline pieces. 

Uses of RenderableRequestData in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.audio

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.audio declared as RenderableRequestData
protected  RenderableRequestData OpenALAudioDevice.otherDataRequests
          Request object for deletions, shader stuff etc

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.output.audio with parameters of type RenderableRequestData
 void OpenALAudioDevice.setDrawableObjects(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioInstructions commands)
          Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list.

Uses of RenderableRequestData in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline with parameters of type RenderableRequestData
 void CullStage.cull(RenderableRequestData otherData, ProfilingData profilingData, LayerCullable[] layers, int numLayers)
          Update and cull the scenegraph defined by a set of layers.
 void RenderPipeline.setRequestData(RenderableRequestData data)
          Set the request data that should be passed along with the next frame.

Uses of RenderableRequestData in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.audio

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.audio with parameters of type RenderableRequestData
 void NullAudioCullStage.cull(RenderableRequestData otherData, ProfilingData profilingData, LayerCullable[] layers, int numLayers)
          Update and cull the scenegraph defined by a set of layers.
 void CulledAudioReceiver.culledOutput(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioEnvironmentData data, AudioCullOutputDetails[] nodes, int numNodes)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes.
 void AudioCullToSingleSortListener.culledOutput(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioEnvironmentData data, AudioCullOutputDetails[] nodes, int numNodes)
          Sort the listing of nodes in the given array.
 void AudioOutputDevice.setDrawableObjects(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioInstructions commands)
          Update the list of items to be rendered to the current list.
 void DefaultAudioPipeline.setRequestData(RenderableRequestData data)
          Set the request data that should be passed along with the next frame.
 void NullAudioSortStage.sort(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioEnvironmentData data, AudioCullOutputDetails[] nodes, int numNodes)
          Sort the listing of nodes in the given array.
 void AudioSortStage.sort(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioEnvironmentData data, AudioCullOutputDetails[] nodes, int numNodes)
          Sort the listing of nodes in the given array.
 void SortedAudioReceiver.sortedOutput(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioInstructions commands)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes.
 void AudioSortToSingleDeviceListener.sortedOutput(RenderableRequestData otherData, AudioInstructions commands)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes.

Uses of RenderableRequestData in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics

Subclasses of RenderableRequestData in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics
 class GraphicsRequestData
          Data holder for passing graphics-oriented renderable requests through the rendering pipeline.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics with parameters of type RenderableRequestData
 void BaseCullStage.cull(RenderableRequestData otherData, ProfilingData profilingData, LayerCullable[] layers, int numLayers)
          Update and cull the scenegraph defined by a set of layers.
 void DefaultGraphicsPipeline.setRequestData(RenderableRequestData data)
          Set the request data that should be passed along with the next frame.


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