
Uses of Class

Packages that use ViewportCollection
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics Implementations of the various pipeline pieces. 

Uses of ViewportCollection in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics declared as ViewportCollection
protected  ViewportCollection[][] BaseCullStage.outputLayers
          Final list of the layers that are to be passed to the output
protected  ViewportCollection[][] BaseCullStage.workLayers
          Working list of the layers that are to be passed to the output

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline.graphics with parameters of type ViewportCollection
 void CullToSingleSortListener.culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParents)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer.
 void CulledGeometryReceiver.culledOutput(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
          Here's the sorted output list of nodes per layer.
 void GraphicsSortStage.sort(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParent)
          Sort the listing of layers and nodes.
 void BaseSortStage.sort(GraphicsRequestData otherData, GraphicsProfilingData profilingData, ViewportCollection[][] layers, int[] numLayers, int numScenes, OffscreenBufferRenderable[][] sceneParents)
          Sort the listing of layers and nodes.


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