
Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundingVolume
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking Capabilities that define picking interactions with the scene graph from both an external and internal perspective. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline Common representation interfaces of a rendering pipeline. 
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering Interfaces used to describe the scene graph structure to rendering and sorting routines of the pipeline. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. 

Uses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Subclasses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.aviatrix3d
 class BoundingBox
          Bounds described as an axis-aligned bounding volume.
 class BoundingGeometry
          Bounds described as an arbitrary piece of scene graph structure that is not rendered to screen.
 class BoundingSphere
          Bounds described as a spherical volume.
 class BoundingVoid
          Bounds described as something that does not exist in the scene graph.

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d declared as BoundingVolume
protected  BoundingVolume Raster.bounds
          Bounding volume set by the user
protected  BoundingVolume Node.bounds
          Bounding volume set by the user
protected  BoundingVolume Geometry.bounds
          Bounding volume set by the user
protected  BoundingVolume Light.effectBounds
          A bounding volume used to restrict the scope of what the light effects.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return BoundingVolume
 BoundingVolume Sound.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume Raster.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume Node.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume Geometry.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume Light.getEffectBounds()
          Get the current bounding volume that this light effects.
 BoundingVolume Fog.getEffectBounds()
          Get the current bounding volume that this light effects.
 BoundingVolume ClipPlane.getEffectBounds()
          Get the current bounding volume that this light effects.
 BoundingVolume SharedNode2D.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume SharedNode.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Shape3D.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Raster.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Pixmap.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Group2D.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Group.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Geometry.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type BoundingVolume
 boolean PickingUtils.checkIntersection(BoundingVolume volume, PickRequest req)
          Check the given volume for an intersection based on the request.
 void BoundsUtils.combine(BoundingVolume parent, BoundingVolume child)
          Ensure that the parent bounds contains the child bounds entirely.
 void BoundsUtils.combine(BoundingVolume parent, float[] point)
          Ensure that the parent bounds contains the child bounds entirely.
 void BoundsUtils.contain(BoundingVolume parent, BoundingVolume[] children)
          Set the parent bounds to be the smallest container of the child bounds.
 void BoundsUtils.contain(BoundingVolume parent, BoundingVolume[] children)
          Set the parent bounds to be the smallest container of the child bounds.
 void Raster.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void Node.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void Group2D.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void Group.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void Geometry.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void BaseGroup.setBounds(BoundingVolume b)
          Set the bounds to the given explicit value.
 void Light.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
          Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light.
 void Fog.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
          Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light.
 void ClipPlane.setEffectBounds(BoundingVolume bounds)
          Set the bounds that will effect the range of this light.

Uses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking that return BoundingVolume
 BoundingVolume PickTarget.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.

Uses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline

Fields in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.pipeline declared as BoundingVolume
 BoundingVolume CullOutputDetails.cullableBounds
          The bounds of the cullable

Uses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering that return BoundingVolume
 BoundingVolume SingleCullable.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume LeafCullable.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume GroupCullable.getBounds()
          Get the currently set bounds for this object.
 BoundingVolume EffectRenderable.getEffectBounds()
          Get the current bounding volume that this light effects.

Uses of BoundingVolume in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes that return BoundingVolume
 BoundingVolume LODGroup.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.
 BoundingVolume Billboard.getPickableBounds()
          Get the bounds of this picking target so that testing can be performed on the object.


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