
Uses of Class

Packages that use PickInstructions
org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking Capabilities that define picking interactions with the scene graph from both an external and internal perspective. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes Scenegraph nodes that extend Aviatrix with new functionality. 

Uses of PickInstructions in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d.picking with parameters of type PickInstructions
 void CustomPickTarget.pickChildren(PickInstructions output, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx, PickRequest req)
          This node is being subjected to picking, so process the provided data and return the instructions on the list of available children and any transformation information to the system.

Uses of PickInstructions in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.nodes with parameters of type PickInstructions
 void LODGroup.pickChildren(PickInstructions output, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx, PickRequest request)
          This node is being subjected to picking, so process the provided data and return the instructions on the list of available children and any transformation information to the system.
 void Billboard.pickChildren(PickInstructions output, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f vworldTx, PickRequest req)
          This node is being subjected to picking, so process the provided data and return the instructions on the list of available children and any transformation information to the system.


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