
Class DebugPickingHandler

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.management.DebugPickingHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DebugPickingHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements PickingManager

The default internal implementation of the pick handling system. tests.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Justin Couch

Method Summary
 void pickBatch(PickTarget root, PickRequest[] req, int numRequests)
          Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.
 void pickSingle(PickTarget root, PickRequest req)
          Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.
 void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
          Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
 void traceNextFrames(int count)
          Set the debug frame counter to the new number.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void setErrorReporter(org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter reporter)
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the node's internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion. Setting a value of null will clear the currently set reporter. If one is already set, the new value replaces the old.

Specified by:
setErrorReporter in interface PickingManager
reporter - The instance to use or null


public void pickBatch(PickTarget root,
                      PickRequest[] req,
                      int numRequests)
               throws NotPickableException
Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.

Specified by:
pickBatch in interface PickingManager
root - The root point to start the pick processing from
req - The list of picks to be made, starting at this object
numRequests - The number of valid pick requests to process
NotPickableException - This object has been marked as non pickable, but you decided to try to call the method anyway


public void pickSingle(PickTarget root,
                       PickRequest req)
                throws NotPickableException
Check for all intersections against this geometry and it's children to see if there is an intersection with the given set of requests.

Specified by:
pickSingle in interface PickingManager
root - The root point to start the pick processing from
req - The details of the pick to be made
NotPickableException - This object has been marked as non pickable, but you decided to try to call the method anyway


public void traceNextFrames(int count)
Set the debug frame counter to the new number. This number of calls to the picking manager will be printed out.

count - number of calls to process


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