
Class BufferSetupData

  extended by org.j3d.aviatrix3d.rendering.BufferSetupData

public class BufferSetupData
extends java.lang.Object

Internal representation of the various states that a buffer can request for its rendering.

$Revision: 2.3 $
Justin Couch

Constructor Summary
          Create a default instance of the buffer setup data.
Method Summary
 void enableFloatingPointColorBuffer(boolean enable)
          Set the enabled state of floating point colour buffers.
 void enableUnclampedColorBuffer(boolean enable)
          Set the enabled state of clamped colour values.
 int getDepthBits()
          Return the number of bits that should be used in the depth buffer implementation.
 int getNumAASamples()
          Return the number of samples that should be used for FSAA.
 int getNumRenderTargets()
          Return the number render targets that should be used for this buffer.
 int getRenderTargetIndex()
          Return the index of the render target this represents
 int getStencilBits()
          Return the number of bits that should be used in the stencil buffer implementation.
 void setDepthBits(int depth)
          Set the number of bits of precsions the depth buffer should have.
 void setNumAASamples(int samples)
          Set the number of samples that should be used for full screen antialiasing.
 void setNumRenderTargets(int count)
          Set the number of render targets to create in the underlying buffer.
 void setRenderTargetIndex(int index)
          Set the index of this buffer's render target in the underlying FBO.
 void setStencilBits(int depth)
          Set the number of bit planes to use in the stencil buffer.
 boolean useFloatingPointColorBuffer()
          Enable the use of floating point colour buffers rather than fixed point of the default GL pipeline.
 boolean useUnclampedColorBuffer()
          Enable the use of unclamped floating point colour buffers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BufferSetupData()
Create a default instance of the buffer setup data.

Method Detail


public void enableFloatingPointColorBuffer(boolean enable)
Set the enabled state of floating point colour buffers. Default is that they are disabled.

enable - True to enable the use of colour buffers


public boolean useFloatingPointColorBuffer()
Enable the use of floating point colour buffers rather than fixed point of the default GL pipeline.

true to use the floating point version


public void enableUnclampedColorBuffer(boolean enable)
Set the enabled state of clamped colour values. Default is that they are disabled.

enable - True to remove the clamping of colour values in the output


public boolean useUnclampedColorBuffer()
Enable the use of unclamped floating point colour buffers. Only used if useFloatingPointColorBuffer() returns true. Ignored otherwise. Defaults to returning false to mimic traditional GL fixed point pipeline behaviour.

true to use an unclamped colour buffer mode
See Also:
ARB Color buffer spec


public void setDepthBits(int depth)
Set the number of bits of precsions the depth buffer should have. Not sanity checking is performed, but it should be a multiple of 8. If a value of 0 is provided the depth buffer will be disabled for this buffer.

depth - The number of bits to use. Should be 0, 16, 24 or 32


public int getDepthBits()
Return the number of bits that should be used in the depth buffer implementation. If the value is 0, do not enable the depth buffer for this buffer. Default return value is 16 to match the most common usage in OpenGL implementations.

Zero or positive number


public void setStencilBits(int depth)
Set the number of bit planes to use in the stencil buffer. A value of 0 will disable the use of stencil buffers for this buffer. Typical value should be a multiple of 8. Most implementations only provide 8 bits of stencil depth. No sanity checking is performed on the requested depth.

depth - The stencil bit depth to use


public int getStencilBits()
Return the number of bits that should be used in the stencil buffer implementation. If the value is 0, do not enable the stencil buffer for this buffer.

Zero or positive number


public void setNumAASamples(int samples)
Set the number of samples that should be used for full screen antialiasing. The default value of 0 disables FSAA.

samples - The number of samples to use. Should be a positive power of two or zero to disable


public int getNumAASamples()
Return the number of samples that should be used for FSAA. If the number is 0, don't use FSAA. The default value is 0.

Zero or positive number


public void setNumRenderTargets(int count)
Set the number of render targets to create in the underlying buffer.

count - The number of targets to use


public int getNumRenderTargets()
Return the number render targets that should be used for this buffer.

Zero or positive number


public void setRenderTargetIndex(int index)
Set the index of this buffer's render target in the underlying FBO.

index - The index of this render target


public int getRenderTargetIndex()
Return the index of the render target this represents

Zero or positive number


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