
Uses of Class

Packages that use TextureComponent2D
org.j3d.aviatrix3d A core set of lightweight Object Oriented scenegraph-based wrapper objects for OpenGL. 
org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.texture Generalised classes for handling of textures. 

Uses of TextureComponent2D in org.j3d.aviatrix3d

Subclasses of TextureComponent2D in org.j3d.aviatrix3d
 class ByteBufferTextureComponent2D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte buffer data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ByteTextureComponent2D
          A Texture component that uses raw byte data to be interpreted by the format IDs passed in.
 class ImageTextureComponent2D
          Wraps a 2D image and turns it into a texture source.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d that return TextureComponent2D
 TextureComponent2D SphereBackground.getTexture()
          Get the current image that is being used on the background.
 TextureComponent2D BoxBackground.getTexture(int side)
          Get the current image that is being used on the background.

Methods in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type TextureComponent2D
 void BoxBackground.setTexture(int side, TextureComponent2D srcImage)
          Set the image source to be used for the background.
 void SphereBackground.setTexture(TextureComponent2D srcImage)
          Set the image source to be used for the background.

Constructors in org.j3d.aviatrix3d with parameters of type TextureComponent2D
Texture2D(int format, TextureComponent2D singleImage)
          Constructs a texture using a single image.
TextureCubicEnvironmentMap(TextureComponent2D[] srcImages)
          Constructs a texture with the given list of sources.

Uses of TextureComponent2D in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.texture

Methods in org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.texture that return TextureComponent2D
 TextureComponent2D TextureCreateUtils.create2DTextureComponent(java.lang.Object content)
          Load the image component from the given object type.
protected  TextureComponent2D AbstractTextureCache.load2DImage(java.lang.String filename)
          Load the image component from the given filename.
protected  TextureComponent2D AbstractTextureCache.load2DImage(java.net.URL url)
          Load the image component from the given url.


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