
Package org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom

High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with.


Class Summary
Axis Representation of a set of axis around the coordinates.
Box A simple box primitive.
Cone A simple cone that uses triangles.
Cylinder A simple cylinder that uses triangle strips for rendering.
Sphere A simple sphere that uses triangle strips.
Spring A simple spring that uses triangle strips.
Teapot A simple teapot that is a low-level geometry primitive.
Text2D Flat, ploygonalised 2D text representation.
Torus A simple torus that uses triangle strips.

Package org.j3d.renderer.aviatrix3d.geom Description

High-level simple geometry utility primitives for quickly making a scene graph with.

Implementation Details

Most of the primitives are direct extensions of the Shape3D class that fill in the geometry part of the node, leaving the appearance settings up to the user. Some, however, do take lower-level approach making use of the OpenGL evaluators to work on the Bezier patches.


Latest Info from http://aviatrix3d.j3d.org/
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